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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Damn... Paul calling Shawn a Bitch. That's just funny right there. It's like Paris Hilton calling Mother Theresa a whore...






    Cliffs - Paul is a whining bitch.


    yea an you like to hide behind a keyboard an talk shit. so whos the bitch?

  2. This made me LOL . proving you are the CR comic relief . And a RS-4 is to classy for you , keep the peon it fits you well .


    what happen to the douchebag ignore list?


    haha ahh cause you seem to know me. yup ur right on the dot there partner!

  3. Whatever you say buddy. :thumbup:


    You win, I backpedal, bitch out, you have won the e-battle swiftly. I crown you winner of all things call out related.


    this wasent a call out thread... this was to show that you gave a weak ass call out . i called it an then you procedded to back peddle out of it


    point of this thread if you call some one out... be prepared to go threw with it not back out like a bitch.

  4. I guess if i drove a peon and was the butt of everyones jokes people on CR would know me better . I would rather be less known than have your rep dude ! but anyways im sure you will wanna make a pages of worthless bs , its all good i wont see it , your going on the ignore the duchebags list !


    awww cry about it


    ontopic fuck old s4's i want a rs4 ;)


    edit: my rep?? OOOOOOOO this is a internet forum, not fast an furious man

  5. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72296&page=4

    page 3 starts the crap.


    I'm not worried for me, more the general public who has to share the road with you. One day when you are all grown up it will make more sense.


    Bring something winter-worthy out this year in the snow so I can drag you around. :gtfo:


    thats fine an untill that happens keep ur dumb comments to your self



    how much do you wanna put on this race then?


    he calls me out for 20


    I decline not worth my time/gas to waste call him out for 50 an then proceeded to now Back peddle an start changing around his call out ...


    What are you bringing ?


    I'm not racing a snowmobile for $50........


    What vehicle titled in your name are you planning on bringing out ? :p



    ultimately Jones you called me out for anything winter worth I accepted you got scared an started to back pedal.


    after this then he then just came up with one excuse after dumb comment and then like a bitch hid behind behind the original posters request to keep this on topic an refused to speak of it


    again **Jones is a BITCH, calls out people like a BITCH, an then backs out like a BITCH.**



    cliffs: Jones calls me out I call his bluff he back peddles

  6. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.



    figured youd bitch up

    Dude u are the dumbest fish on this board ! quit fuckin up my thread with you worthless bs . Yeah you got a peon and you will race everyone ! seriously show some class and quit being a duchebag ! you might get more respect .

    a fish thats the best you could come up with was a fish?



    an who are you again? i dont give a crap what you think.

  7. I'm not worried for me, more the general public who has to share the road with you. One day when you are all grown up it will make more sense.


    Bring something winter-worthy out this year in the snow so I can drag you around. :gtfo:


    What are you bringing ?


    I'm not racing a snowmobile for $50........


    What vehicle titled in your name are you planning on bringing out ? :p


    now your changin ur call out? wow what a panzie u called me out now your back pedling. good for you man

  8. Did the punctuation and or sentence structure confuse the question? Here let me help:



    2;5lkwmfs;aldk ;lq3k24j5 ;l l;j sf;l o;j ;l23kj4 l;kj2 $20 as;dflajsf;lkj4;2l ;lakjs f;


    quit avoiding the question YOU called ME out im trying to lock in a race thats worth my wile. 50 bucks lock it in

  9. 20 bucks wont even cover the gas i would waste make it 50


    You're going to waste more than $20 in Gas to drive a few hundred fee through the snow ? You plan on using a rocket engine ?



    20 bucks wont even cover the gas i would waste make it 50
    ?? yup a rocket powered pogo stick
  10. I'm not worried for me, more the general public who has to share the road with you. One day when you are all grown up it will make more sense.


    Bring something winter-worthy out this year in the snow so I can drag you around. :gtfo:


    thats fine an untill that happens keep ur dumb comments to your self



    how much do you wanna put on this race then?

  11. I'm still trying to read the above mash-up of words.


    But believe me, the thought never crossed my mind that you wouldn't still "race" your neon with a busted clutch. Just like when it had a destroyed wheel bearing, and no brakes. I'm sure you'd drive just about anything in any condition at an unsafe speed.


    This is where Darwin continues to let me down. :(

    dont worry about what i do an dont do


    you have nothign to worry about anways u dont race your car any where so :gtfo:

  12. You might be able to keep up with a 60trim...


    My clutch is fine, it just wont take hard launches, but neither can failwheeldrive.

    wrogn wheel drive an im im not worried :)


    Somebody, who after all these years still can't figure out where and when to use a question mark calling somebody else a jackass. =




    oooo wow your so fucking cool i cant type or use grammie yippie fucking doo liek i didnt know this wow ive never heard that before. good try if you want to make little sarcastic comments about some ones shit then make sure you know what the fuck your talking about. so again good try jack ass. trying knowing wtf your talkign about before you open your mouth again

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