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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I pulled the motor, did a turbo swap outside in my buddies backyard with basic tools. Could have done the timing belt too, would have been super easy but it was already done. Working on this car is cake.


    ~$8K will be your total to get it done at a shop, including clutch, flywheel, all hardware, labor, and replacing wheel bearings, TONS of random coolant and power steering hoses, 2 axles, A/C dryer and A/C refill...i'm sure there was more.


    I have a receipt to prove it.


    K04 turbos with all required hardware = $3k

    Vast Performance Tune and Fueling kit = $2K

    Total = $5000.


    Lol, yeah thats right, but your chinabay turbo is going to assplode. Although, I dont think you can get a big enough turbo for that price (even on chinabay) to keep up with the best.


    you have much to learn young sonnn 60 trim or 35r will net more more then enough power to keep up :)


    also right now im on stock turbo :eek: an im not scared haha get ur new clutch so we can race

  2. I pulled the motor, did a turbo swap outside in my buddies backyard with basic tools. Could have done the timing belt too, would have been super easy but it was already done. Working on this car is cake.


    ~$8K will be your total to get it done at a shop, including clutch, flywheel, all hardware, labor, and replacing wheel bearings, TONS of random coolant and power steering hoses, 2 axles, A/C dryer and A/C refill...i'm sure there was more.


    I have a receipt to prove it.


    K04 turbos with all required hardware = $3k

    Vast Performance Tune and Fueling kit = $2K

    Total = $5000.




    :) o rly.... so what your saying is youve got 5k in mods on that car, an your going to get walked by a neon with only 320$ thats three hundred an twenty dollars not thousand lol... oooo gonna be a good season your going down AUDI BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY



    edi:: im aware this has nothign to do wioth this thread so sorry for the offtopic just thought ide point out the waste of money that has just happened :)

  3. Iil

    The deal is, I have a smaller room than the other roommate that's renting. I pay $350(goes up to 375 in January) a month for the room, and the garage space. But according to my "friend" (the owner), I can only use the full garage space if I'm putting a car in there. I understand $350 a month is a good deal, but the fact of the matter is, she's not living up to her end of it. So unless I put my (or a) car in there, I don't get the full extent of our agreement. This is not what was agreed upon before I moved in. Hence why I kind of want to shove whatever piece of crap in there. If I'm going to pay for the space, then I want to at least have the ability to use it. I really don't have a problem with her putting her shit there, and parking there. To be perfectly honest I could care less, but if that's going to be the way it is, then I shouldn't have to pay the full price. She just says that I'm only paying for the room, I just get to use the garage if I'm going to put a car in it.




    That's an understatement and you have no idea, Paul. I'm not going to gossip about her, but she needs it bad.

    Hahah weell hoooook it uppp son!!


    Also why don't u u just sitck ur shit. In ur g arage space an make a cubby hole for ur bike

    While utalizing the remaining space for ur crap so she can't use ur part of the spot?

  4. wow...all these pms on a car, that has been for sale here for weeks... and no body wanted it then...

    there are storage fee's owed at the shop where this car is sitting.



    :( exactally the car(minus the vert) i want as a project a POS lol





    ryan have you talked to your romate about this. whats the big deal its not her fault ur car wont git in there(an why wont it?) whats wrong with her using the extra space if your not going to use it? i knwo your paying for it an all but if your nto using it, it seems kinda petty that she cant use it lol

  5. That is fucking awesome!


    Well here's my blown out issue.


    I called CG to turn back on my service for this year. She asked for the service address, I gave it to her, she said there was no record of this address. We went back and forth on this for 10 minutes, I shit you not. After all this she tells me shes going to put me through to customer service...who the hell was I just talking to? Customer service...


    So I get the next lady, and we start the process over again. Give her the address, she states well I dont have that as a service address but as a billing address. Mind you back in the 60's my building had 2 addresses. It sits on the corner of 2 roads. So we get past all this, and she's like umm....well hang on...get off hold. and she tells me there is a dispute on the meter from 2007, from before I was in the building. I said okay what can we do? She said, I had to pay the dispute amount from then. Being its a business, I told her Id pay it, because I need the heat in the building. I asked how much? She said they had to review it to figure that amount out. But Im scheduled for tomorrow(last week) to have the field tech turn it on.


    Field tech comes out, test the feed line and building line for leaks before turning the gas on. On his notepad hes got meter readings, from previous reads. He tells me, there is a dispute on the meter, he will have to call his supervisor for approval to turn on the gas. So while Im sitting in the office, he comes in and tells me, because of this dispute from 2007 he has to take the meter, and I will have to call back into the service center to settle the dispute.


    I called back in and talked to several people, finally getting an answer that an investigation has to be opened and it will take 48 hours. 48 hours puts us at Saturday of this past weekend. You know they wont be calling me on the weekend.


    Yesterday, I get no call, today I got nothing. And of course I was too busy filling up my diesel heater to call them.


    have you had heat at this location in 2008 before? any problsm then?

  6. not you. just white.





    hey come on now http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/smilies/1391.gif

    yea your uber call out/hate thread has officially failed.



    If they met at a meet, I bet one of them would be giving the other the meat.



    i shall stab you :cool:

  7. and this doesnt particularly mean coming to meets. hes also a trolling douche on the interwebs

    ugh huh... ever think some peopel are jsut busy... he used to post alllll the dam time an then cut back a bit.. or mabey hes going threw some stuff.... :p rebuttle?

  8. i could bet that all the model girls have bf's lol


    yea and sicne she wont give up any pics of the other girls there probably hit as Fuck an its going to be a big sasusage fest, so........




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