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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I would think it would be tough finding a trail wide enough to get it all the way through. My tires on the quad rub trees going between some of them.


    Oh and we come around a corner and there was like 7-8 asian guys walking throught the middle of the woods. WTF was that?


    wayne is a ohv area as it is a natrual walk area. some of the trails do cross

  2. I know Wayne says you can't have anything over 50" wide on the trails, but I've been thinking about getting a Rhino for awhile now and I believe they're 54". Do you guys ever see any of them on the trails down there? Would the rangers give me any shit about it?


    they gave two guys shit in the season of 2007 but i did keep seeing them out but they were out there manicuring the trails. i would check with the ranger station there before you drop 6-12k if your really interested in a rhino pm flat tire he runs a powersports store an can hook you up with an awesome deal!

  3. Lol, yea been there sucks. as cordell said you have your good days an your bad days


    time to upgrade to some lsr +2 a-arms :bangbang:


    but glad you were able to nurse it back must of been a pain in the ass riding it back. did you guys hop on the service roads at all or just the trails the whole way back?


    also sucks about larrys quad did that as well the 2nd time my banshee was out at wayne got on the trail took a berm an jumped an landed oin the side an tore a 6 inch hole in my tire not fun at all lol

  4. I'm confused why would you not give out your address? Do you want to get rid of the stuff or not. I mean that is kinda the point of craigslist. Why is everyone so paranoid? I mean anyone can drive by and see a bunch of bricks and steal them. There are 600+ it's not like it would be a quick job to load them. Some of you guys are just weird.


    orrr they coudl legit buy them but be scoping out other shit you have... lawnmowers tools cas bikes ect ect that you have in your garage or backyard thats my main issue

  5. So that tells us where you meat people... But how do you meat people?:confused:


    maybe hes selling his meat behind the gas station...


    Just be honest like "Hey, nothing personal but I don't give out my address to people I don't know. If you're still interested I live near ____ and ____. Call me Sunday and I'll give you directions." or Just pile them in a truck and have him "meat" you at the closest Lowes or Home Depot.



  6. I think I'm helping my mother in law move that day, so I'll have a futon in the trunk. Should make for more of a challenge :lol:


    Just kidding, no more dragstrip days for me, I need a better clutch for that. But when I do...


    thats the C6.


    and i don't drag race my car, the NTR event the 17th is autocross.




  7. dam... weve been gettin these race fuel posts weekly now.. use the search button there are plnelty of places that sell it as well as plenty of threads they state where... an some even have prices too fancccy :)
  8. Did I hear a Combat Arms challenge?


    no you didnt. this is a called out for halo on the xbox 360.


    not computer

    not combat arms blah blah blah


    with that being said miller ill rent the game one of these days an get on an play with ya. goodluck luck with ur challenge

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