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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. how well are they going to tech?


    in the past they have one guy(yes 1 old guy) mainly jsut checks for leaks battery has to be tied down. helmet has to be snell approved ( if it isant find some one at the event with a snell approved .. tech in with that an then just use your regular one) but usually very good about easy tech in. if you have a pos( you do drive a dsm oooooo) then done bring it out, if its leaking anything

  2. Well.. I signed up my buddy with the jr dragster- and now they are going to be out of town that day.. Stupid ADRL.. lol (even though its sweet) Formulized- is it ok if i bring out another car to replace his? Ive already paid for it, so i figured this would be ok- just wanted to get with you first. - thanks -AJ


    yea man you good. when you go to sign up they look for you name on the sheet not your car. but im sure he will note it but wont be a problem goodluck



    btw anthony you suck that is all :)

  3. You're not catching the big picture fuckhead. I asked him if the bike had any problems what so everHE SAID that the bike ran fine and had a few zipties along w/ a modded starter/key. I drive 2hrs and what not to find out the bike is not fine, its leaking oil in 2 places, and the whole plastics are being held on by zipties along w/ some other shit wrong w/ the bike. Thats call misleading the fucking seller especially when He could've manned up and told me on the phone about all this shit instead with holding this shit and having me driving 2 hrs and blowing $50 in gas along w/ borrowing a truck to find this out myself. I have no problem looking at a bike in which i know the shit wrong w/ it in the first place but for me to drive that far to find something that it wasn't made me want to rage. Alot of you ppl are not getting the big picture and think i already knew about the condition of the bike and am just complaining. If you think that then read over again


    for 50 bucks you can get a little somethin somethign by a 65 year old guy that looks like a chick kinda..... random fact

  4. since you have the front an rear fender it migth be easier to sell if you take pictures with those plastics on there so it shows a more complete bike. goodluck with the sale wish i had the cash this week. mabey next week hmm
  5. Jeff busted off a couple of 12.50's the car is bad assed.

    My car is a turd and couldnt even trap 120mph, 118 with a best 119mph. I was only running 13 to 14 psi of boost. must have been the D/A


    Did he really bust off a 12.50????

  6. we'll see how good she can manuever it. AWD will be great for the winter. truck doesn't have as much pep as i would expect for 403hp--i guess its the weight.


    I'm sure u could do intake exhaust an find someone to throew ona. Tune for more power an m but dude uve got a cobra a gto an. A few mustangs to enjoy power wise. Ha

  7. Sorry dude but this makes no sense. He beat the shit out of the car but its in mint condition? Its either/or. As for your predicament, sounds like your brother could really care less about his mom's finance's which sucks but is there anyway to hang on to the care and pay off more of it before trading it in? Your DEFINITLY going to get more by selling it outright than trading it in on a lease'd care aswell. Also, if you sell it outright you will be rid of any payment at all, sounds like in your position that might be a big bonus.


    Aren't those things like $14k new? or maybe on sale, ford is always having rebates.


    Problem with selling private is u can get 09s almost brand new for what we he owns on the 07. Trust me this was our first thing an we will try but for 20500 it won't happen.

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