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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. :confused:


    no show! :p


    no show


    maybe sunday night



    sunday night..i have a few cars coming in on sunday for work...that comes first


    Umm I didn't come cause I didn't want u to think I was trying to mooch a ride :jerkit:

  2. check ittttt stock srt4 17 inchers babyyyyyy





    dannnng looks odd stock


  3. When I went years ago they sucked. Honolulu and Centerville, Illinois were better.


    they sure are great when you see the hottest/most popular girl back in high school up there stripping :bangbang: happen to me last week when i was back in sandiego visiting


    yea its an error an they wil lfind it within a day shit happens one accoutn # coudl be a digit off an it coudl go to a differnt account shit happens you should be smart enough to figure out oh crap ive go tan extra 11k in my account.... lol

  5. I was given a Base Caliber from enterprise when a rental van broke down once. Probably the single most terrible thing I have driven in a long time, second only to the PT Cruiser I guess.


    Looks like the SRT fixes most of the BS though, so welcome.




    sad this is his caliber is faster then both your cars :bangbang:

  6. Paul, call Anthony and ask him when.

    ummmmmmmmmm NO! lol you im busy ... ish

    i got that but where is it at exactly


    dam do you want us to do everythihing for you? do you ahve to pee you want me to hold your pae-kay so you dont have to? google that shit

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