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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. everyone i have talked to says all u do is tak shit and dont do shit. look at it this way, at least u know ur shits slow


    lol you obviously dont tlak to any one who has even remotly talked to me. i will/.have raced any an everythign. from 8 second cars/bikes to 16 second piles of shit haha good try but im calling bull shit

  2. Werd




    PS remotes are not like 360 remotes, they are still the same PS style remote.


    On a related note, made it to level 33 on zombies last night on CODWAW. Yeah, im pretty much awesome.

    meh your not awesome. props to level 33 an all but waw sucks :lol:

    an the usual your slow blahblah blah lol

  3. popped just like u said, dont matter if its together or if its apart ur bitch ass never lets anyone drag u around.


    lol o rly? wow i dont let anyone race me ? realllly.......

  4. the xbox 360 elite package dropped to $300 today, so once i sell this bike im in....guy offered me $150 cash plus a ps3, so im gonna try and take him up on it then sell the ps3...unless you wanna come give me $325 and take the bike away paul!


    i wont have $ for another weeek an a half so just sell it i fyou can

  5. 360? how did i miss this :(

    haha dover was the random guy who kept tryign to get me to play haha

    im trying to pick up a 360 so i can join in on this sometime lol


    what games does everyone get on? cod and forza?



  6. Sweet, but its wishful thinking to think it'll pull my rx7 right? LOL

    Negative captain. Ull be maxing it out with a trailor

    Oh, and can you offroad a stock one? LOL, i dont want to raise it and put big loud tires on the wifes daily, but it'd be fun to be able to take some backroads once in a blue moon


    Yes it'll be fun for small stuff ha

  7. I'm almost sure it has to be the person that gets issued the vouchers. Cause my grandma will never fly again and she has a round trip ticket to FL from Oklahoma that I can't use. Just thought I would let you in on what I've found back in the day.


    you might be able t o see if they can transfer the voucher to another name or see if your grandma can cash it in twords another flight for you

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