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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I think everything is circumstantial (sp?) with women, once something changes weather it be large or small its a world changing event. For example I just moved in with my woman and the actual living together part is fine but the little things drive her into some crazy emotional shit storm that rivals Mt Helan spewing molton hot lava, only my girlfriend is spewing molton hot crazy. Now there are probably females that arent like this but I have met few, mostly loose in the moral area, but upon an answer from them they stare at you blankly like its normal to freak out and cry and scream or deny you sex over somethign as simple as perhaps the way you fold towels are they way you wait to do your dishes.

    haha ananda pulls this really? she seems so quiet an shy.. man u must be a dick haha

    Dude just really sit back and look at it........you guys prolly never got into fights when you were friends, its only been TWO freaken weeks and she is acting like this?? that is bullshit if you ask me, do whats best and end it now and still be friends while you can. Watch if you stay with her, shit is going to either hit the fan, or you will end up with some STD . You two will never be friends anymore and next thing you know you both will be sharing personal info on myspace trying to get back at one another.


    x girlfriend:

    Dear Myspace blog I never told pontiacfreak142 this but I never let him have this ass because his dick was too small and he drives a v6, I went crazy because all the other lsx guys on columbus racing are so dreamy. Hell even the honda guys were better then him.



    god if i coulf plus rep u more i would hahahahaha



    gary man get out of it ditch her an move on... even scotts gettin pune an hes one ugly mother fucker im sure u can score something haha


    j.k man lol

  2. Thanks for the comment, I dig your r32, looks very clean.


    Now onto your iffy intro, and your dipshit reply to the rest of the forum. When a noob wants to get in the club, so they may partake of all the secret goodies, and club-schwag that only being a member of columbusracing.com offers, due to the overall "kick-ass" nature of the prizes and sexual favors provided (mostly by paul),.


    wtfffff lol



    an to the orignal poster you suck man haha

  3. you say possible trade..what would you be interested in.l...mabey a brand new n20 kit with all accessory's msd window switch blow down tube purge kit ect plus some cash...is so ive got cash in hand an the kit ready to go



    did u autox this thing at the end of the year with no exhaust??

  4. I'm sitting in studyhall today and I overhear some girl bench racing with another girl. Girl 1 was arguing that her boyfriend's Civic would beat girl 2's brother's Jeep. Why they were arguing about this I do not know, but girl 1 was absolutely 100% sure that the Civic was untouchable because it had "V-tekk, nawzz, and was getting a TURBOOOOO". It was the biggest facepalm moment that I've ever had in this school.


    Has the scene really dwindled this much that HS girls are arguing about this shit? Anyone have any insight?


    race both with your car... fuck both bitches... profit?

  5. piissstt










    anyone else notice paul has sprung a leak?

    Huh? That makes no sense? Asshole get ur shit ready to race fool.

    Lol PAUL how did you get tyler's Password??

    Awww that's cute get ur pos fixed an grab a 100$ an let's race fucktard

    dued i luv that song no joke its my favurite song i play wile im smoken fools in my neeyawn woooo

    Ha... too easy talk to me when ur cars able to go down the track....

  6. The first hard 60' I cut was at Norwalk, glove box came open and shit sounded like it broke.


    I <3 the sounds of a hard 60' on a radial. :lol:


    x2 now i knowq nothing like rwd but when i fist cut a 1.76 60foot in my srt the glove box flew open my safc fuel tuner flew down off the dash an was funny as shit

  7. Crazzzzyyyyy.... has this been hapening lately or just toda? Let her cool down then give her ur full force of ur 2inches to make things better.


    On a a serious note just let her calm down

  8. Crazzzzyyyyy.... has this been hapening lately or just toda? Let her cool down then give her ur full force of ur 2inches to make things better.


    On a a serious note just let her calm down

  9. Is that per car or per person? I have 2 people that may want to go, but they'd run my car.

    Per car admission is fre for spectators but they can run ur car just make sure they wear pants I don't recall having swist bans but if they do just keep ur hands down as they don't check


    An bring a snell approved helmet if u run faster then 13.99

  10. Ok so the next step in my slow neons life is a set of cams. But I'm clureless on all what this crap means in english.



    What is lift




    Lobe seperation

    An gross lift? I've been directed down to three cams but seeing as I don't know what it means I can't decided on which cams ar....


    Brian crower stage 2 cams. Doesn't need new spring or retainiers.


    Intake duration @.50" 194 degrees

    Lift .222(x1.75)= .389

    Exhaust duration @.50" 186 degrees

    Lift .225(1.75) = .383



    Stage 3 cams require new spring an retainiers a possibly tuned

    Intake duration @.50" 216 degrees

    Lift .225 x1.75 = .394

    Exhaust duration .50" 216 degrees

    Lift .225 x.175= .394




    Or crane which this is specd for a n20 cam which I will be spraying

    Duration. For intake an exahust is 246


    Duration @.50 intake an exhaust 204/204

    Lobe seperation 112


    Gross lift 364/364

    These are from the site list which is. All gibberish to me can any one help me out an school me on some cams an what it all means. Btw serious answers please as I need to learn this crap

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