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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Chris has penis envy. Guess that's what happens when you compare brotherly vehicle lists :p:D


    No, I'd rather compare net worth. :)


    With or without your Sugar Mama and Dad's car? :)


    I make more than her, but she is better educated.


    With or without your "retirement" pay? :p


    face it you both have small peckers


    youve got a slow mustang

    youve got a slow formula


    an you both are going to get beat by a neon on april24th :bangbang:

  2. haha i thought this guy was long gone/....again being a little bitch calling people out for money an then gettin pussy hurt an backing out ...there were a few people that accepted your call out.... an you havent accepted./... dam little bitch its cool.
  3. Not everybody thats having hard times is a worthless fuck. He was really hungry.


    You must of missed the part that he didn't ask for any money. Which leads me to believe that this one was not a worthless fuck...




    i agree with kenny if he was askin for money but if the guy never accepted any or asked then heck yea. your a good man man + rep

  4. So your sayin u dont want to go their cuzz u dont want do deal with the poor people and u fear for your life in such a BAD area cuz reynoldsburg is so Ganster right ?


    just a shitty lot small as parkinglot an the guy with the blue rsx still owes me 10 bucks from walking his rsx :bangbang:



    oh an theres plenty of "rich" ricers out there bud

  5. lol. how do you not know if you have insurance or not? either you pay for it or you dont.



    Just dont drive during your suspension.

    Those are my favorite stops to make and my favorite tickets to write too :D


    Ok asshole! Not like i wa sthe one who backed into your wifes car STFU. Like i said i paid for it up front for like six months and didnt think anything else about it




    Non payment but wasnt intentional!


    then put that shit on auto pay so you dont "forget" about it.


    sucks man but having insurance is usuall the first thingi remember to pay when bills come around...


    well since you cant drive your car cause well you suck ....an you cant drive legally have some one else race your car with me at the track :bangbang:

  6. You have a death wish saying that to her? Seriously, I think her cooking will kill someone. She comes from a family that can burn boiled eggs.


    Seriously, listen to Hal. I can pretty much only make easy mac or toast. You would never want to eat anything I cook.


    That's why Hal can cook! We won't starve to death.

    you guys are my heros lol well then hal get in the kitchen an make some food...an ash ...stand around an do nothing like usual. ha:bangbang:

  7. nice nice man.



    hey if urs has the same traction control as docs. u guys need to figure out how to disengage it so you guys can enjoy the real power before it cuts off the power. docs been having this problem when draggin his sl600 rentec

  8. nice nice man.



    hey if urs has the same traction control as docs. u guys need to figure out how to disengage it so you guys can enjoy the real power before it cuts off the power. docs been having this problem when draggin his sl600 rentec

  9. ill agree about the lot being small but ill disagree about ricer town i see alot of nice cars around there but there are the stupid cars like the green camaro with the ram air hood and a huge wing on the back lol but other than that its not bad

    That's because your one of the ricerss floating around. Haha

  10. I was trying to get people to go there at the end of last season. They are one of our main parts suppliers and the guys have been telling me to get people up there for a while. Ive never understood why people dont meet there more often. Its a large lot and its easy to get to. Hopefully this will actually start happening.


    *Also, I am pretty much available all the time after work and on sunday and mondays so if you ever need some extra grunt work to get something done just let me know.*

    Crappy place there lot is tiny, now the other parkin lot is huge but I don't think they own the other parts of the lot.


    Plus brice road is alreaddy ricertown an it'll just be that much worse. Ill pass on brining my car there.

  11. goodluck man most meets we try to do end up with the saame 15 people showing for more then 10 minuites .


    unless its a track day.


    but just for shits an giggles. cr strip club day?

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