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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I would mention the shop but fuck them.:mad: plain and simple. the people who understand the situation and not just what there buddies friends cousin told them will get bitchy. all i can say is lesson learned and i will be sticking with the local shops from now on.


    speekin of that shop did u get ur n20 kit back from them when they did the turbo install?

  2. I'm sure 2grand is not enough to get started. But I really want to have a 1/4 mile car. The thing don't need to turn I got my wrx for that. I just want something I can get into the 11's and won't blow apart every time i make a pass


    (Pretty much taking DSM's out of the picture).



    So give me some ideas what to save for. right now I've got the bike and atleast a grand I could part with.


    beater civcic big turbo



  3. High 60s, sunny, etc.


    We need to do something. Who wants to get together in the mid-afternoon? Maybe go to a park and do some photos or something?


    I should have Formula #1 back today or tomorrow and the gf can drive Formula #2 :)


    you know me im down pics an lunch?

  4. For those that need to learn some grudge talk:


    The break=When my car leaves, you leave


    The back tire=Instead of staging with the front tire, you stage with the rear


    The clear=When we cross the finish, your rear bumper has to be in front of my front bumper. If we cross the line and I'm at your door, you lose.


    Everything in drag racing=asking for all 3 of these.


    wow is that what that means? ive always wondered that, i could never figure it out. thank you oh so powerfull master teacher.... :jerkit:

  5. Paul, sometimes your company may have a policy where fees for being under 25 are waived. I know you are renting it personally, but call reservations and tell them what company you work for.


    Also, you can make the reservation on one card and when you turn it in then you can pay for it with a different card. I'm not sure if that helps, but I had to do it a few times. (reserved with company card so my personal card did not limit my funds access).


    that makes sense i am goign to give thema call tomorrow

  6. If you don't intend to race then GTFO

    who I want to run

    sam $20 heads up pro tree

    nd2race heads up pro tree

    v8beast heads up motor only

    and whoever else

    goodluck man but 90% of cr won even race a dam neon, let alone somethign fast. ide race you but im no where near as quick .


    Paul-400m dash on foot for 20...son!

    bring it bitch

    Gayest call out I've seen this year.

    ....i dont see you calling any one out on your tt .hopeufllywhen your back to a blower you will cause i miss that sexy thing ha


    You gonna get walked son... Call me the bus driver, because I'm about to take you to school... Bring your $$$ eveilcrotch... Heads up, pro tree...

    wow dude cheezy so cheezy but i guess it gets the point across ha

    $.20, Its on.


    an your just simply gay,. sit below a lift at work an lower a car... :bangbang:

  7. for $400 you can fly round trip on the right days, southwest and airtran airways have some really good deals out right now. southwest has $49 flights and airtran starts at $39. more than likely you will be around $300 for round trip tho. gl

    yes im aware ive alreaddy got a flight but its when i get there for 7 days the rentals 200 but they want to put a hold on my account for an additional 400 on the days i have it....

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