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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Ok yea I know old game but sol740, an maroabu have been on everynight for a few hours, to get the racing outta the way since the weather. Now robs slowwww soim sure we will be on. U know u wanna


    Game tags srturbo04 or robs sol740

  2. is this the one that used to have ths cones stickers on the front fender? if so it is a clean car an the guy would never race me, always babied it around, an the exhaust is stock with no mufflers just incase anyone cares. an 13 pounds of boost is stock depending on aweather. bump for a clean car
  3. i cant imagine how much shit paul would talk if he had a 9 second car

    we will never know...

    Never tried it...... Isn't that slip racing?


    yes but your car is MUCHHH better setup for that type of racing vs drag. So i figure ide give you the edge an i can play catch up. :bangbang: or hell lets just find a road course track day!!

  4. Oh I know I am slow, no need to beat on the car to prove it again. I have a slip from one of the track days. Spring of 07 I think. I ran a 13.06 or something. That's slow enough for you to beat even back then right? Happy? Car is the same today as that day.....


    but where is the fun in time slip racing.. i wanna see it in rear view.Ok if not drag racing how about auto x then?

  5. Don't want any paul.. don't want any.
    haha im sure youll rock me if doc lets u rock a car or two ha


    I must interject. Poor grammar and bad spelling causes people to think that he may be uneducated and or developmentally challeged. Calling people out for illegal racing and discussing it on a forum with known police presence, and that has been crucified in the media, shows he is truly an idiot.


    My opinion, and I'm sticking to it!

    aww ive missed this... hows it been? Fam doing great? lol





    True, you do have some valid points. I guess it’s all in how you look at it. I try and type like I speak with punctuation and proper grammar, but again just like real life some people are idiots so I'd imagine the same goes for the interntz. This may or may not be true of Paul, but I'm not going to sit here and correct him on it. If you were standing talking with someone and they used a double negative would you correct them? I also see you point about not calling people out on the site because of past events and current patrolling by the police (I'm not sure how much or how often this occurs but I'm sure it still does). But I don’t really recall seeing a post where he’s come out and said…”Let’s meet up at ____ on _____ night at _____ time! 40 roll for $40.00” It’s more like Person A; “My car will smoke yours” Paul: “Lets race” I just see that at him being willing to participate in Racing on Columbus Racing. I don’t see that as him being stupid and engaging in illegal activity since I’m sure 95% of the time nothing ever comes of it. And to his point he has kept it on the track too. If he is breaking rules by setting up illegal races on CR and following through with them I’ll let the mods of CR and CPD determine that. But from my point of view he’s just wanting and willing to race which IMO is good considering that at one point that’s what Columbus Racing was about.


    My opinion, and I'm sticking to it! :p Wanna have sex with me?

    exactly thank you for seeing how it was susposed to come out as.



    an ben your just slow lol now race me at a track day dammit!!

  6. I just want to know if he really lives at home with all that shit... :nod:


    there are reason that are none of crs buisness as to why i do yes


    but again please keep this on topic i dont need the random posts in here tryin to get info

  7. Wait wait wait...So let me get this straight…We're on Columbus Racing in a thread harping about a member who...

    A. Mods his car (For what ever that's worth ;) )

    B. Calls people out (for fun or to actually settle an argument/ make a point)

    C. Then follows up and actually DOES Race

    D. Participates and comes to track rentals and has some input.

    All because he’s trying to be like another contributing member (whether or not said member is still active)? And to top it all off people we are now becoming the grammar police. “It’s whether, NOT werther or weather”, “Chris and I raced not me and Chris” WOOOOOOOW!?


    Look, poor grammar and bad spelling can get annoying especially if it takes me 3 or 4 times reading something before I can make sense out of it. But I just remember that it’s the internet and CR and not some published editing forum…So Paul, $20.00 from a dig?



    make it 20 bucks an a chipotle burrito an your on

  8. v

    He should be known as Linn's ricer cousin.


    wtf two totally different people his car is actualyl fast... mine not so much ha


    Phil?? the thread is about paul

    i noticed that too haha




    Hangs out with Jewish people

    You are right about the mullet mobile

    Its winter so hes out of the game as well (for at least 2 more months)


    Wears pinks shirts all over the place including downtown

    Breaks jet skis by letting phils girlfriends use them

    I heard he has his pubes shaved like a mohawk

    Goes through N2o kits like they are buy one get one free... not just the bottles... the whole damn kits!!!


    Paul does all of that, but he's still no Linn


  9. its just annoying more than anything..

    i dont dislike you or anything.. plus i was bored.. and thought id start shit

    understandable sorry just so many people on ehere talk out there ass an think og 90000 excuses when it comes down to actually running.


    Do you even have a car or anything to bring to a columbus racing track day? And Paul aleast your not a poor sport about things.

    haha expolorer...mabey hes bracket racing it. an yea no need to be a poor sport about winter racing...



    Winter shit talking for the win!


    Fuck you Paul bwahahahahahahahahahahaa!


    J/k I heart you Paul Walker

    i miss you home boy

  10. I also am not a fan...too thin a spoke for a bulky car. The C6's looked better. Also, the car is toooo high, even if it costs you 1/10th a second in the 1/4mile IMHO...


    yea but swapping out the tires sucked cause of the dam spacers needed to fit the c6 wheels back to the drag tires... not worth the time or effort.


    oh an this car doesnt see enough street use to want to loose that king of time for some looks

  11. is there any way to create a filter so every time 04srturbo posts all it shows up to me as is "LIBBALLA LIBBALALA TIMMAHHH!!!! TIM TIM TIMMAH!"?


    yea its called the ignore button. use it an everytime it says i post start saying that in your head



    oh an still waiting on a response as to why it bothers you about what i post?

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