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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Yeah and most of us don't log on to CR to watch you whine about skiers, but such is the world we live in.


    sorry but if i spent a few hundred of my hard heard dollars i wouldnt want some fuck stick scratch or possibly crack the board because there being a careless fuck so yea whine bitch mean who gives a shit what hes doin hes protecting his inventment.

  2. Our weather radio said 6 to 9 by wednesday.


    ahh i hope so


    bastard you didnt want noting og the torque of the ranger on main street!. thinking your cool rolling with ur window down. haha

  3. madriver and ohio sucks for any snowsports lol madriver has to be one of the most lame hills I have ever seen. The west is the place if you want to ride on some real mountains....... Funny thing is when I lived in california Big bear mountain season ski pass was less then mad river and it worked for 4 ski resorts , its funny when a ski lift only takes 5 minutes to get to the top lol.

    ahh big bear is the ashits where at in california did u live? san diego right here wooooo

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