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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Since we have the user groups gathering the camaros and firebirds against the stangs I think at the next CR track rental we ought to have a match race pitted against each other. Winner take all for bragging rights of CR.


    Give me your ideas??????????


    i will walk 3/4 of the fbodys an mustangs.... the other 1/4 will destroy me but that's ok....oh an brandon this is another official call out for your slow ass piece of shit :bangbang:

  2. Are you sure that the bracket comes off? Most of them you just lower, turn it upwards to squeeze it through the center hole in the wheel.


    yes mine is a screw off as ive had to change the tire on ir


    sure it didnt fall off last night in a parking lot?

    yea i would of noticed it checking the mail last night.... also scraping the truck off/ checkin mail again./ walking to the car at work

  3. Ok so today I come out to my expedition to wipeall the ice an snow off an I notied somethinf hanging under my rrear end its my wire that holds my spare tire under the truck. Well come to find out someone stole it assholes I hope you die. But they were nice crooks they decided to put the bracket that holds the tire from falling back on. An even screwed it up partial way.




    Ahhh I'm happy to know there's nice criminals out there but its always a slap in the face




    Clifs someone stole my spare tire an put the bracket back on .

  4. same thing, your slow ass trucks vs my winter street sweeper. lets do it !


    haha ide love to see it


    Let's not talk about ricers PHIL!

    why your the ricer with your hatch... we should get together so i can race your hatch in my srt ricer!



    Bring it, you missed that last snow drags. Oh and Anthony has a Silverado, not a Ram.


    hmm mabey a get together tonight?

  5. I can always count on cr to throw something so easy into a spiril. Asshats haha I do trim an keep it tidy but my goal is to grow it out 8 inches... I'm ruftly half there an. Just didn't know if there was stuff to keep it good, thanks for the serious answers.
  6. Alright so to the guys that have larger beards or goatees how do you keep them smooth an not crusty feeling? I shampoo an condition mine an it still feels ruff do you of you use any type of conditioner for a beard or goatee? Lame thread I know ha
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