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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. tripple post, scott called and ruined my wanking, so now im back in here.


    question, if you had 8k to build a car, would you go turbo ls1, or build monte carlo? (85-87) not saying these are my choices, just food for thought.


    blocked your tripple bitch lets get lunch fucker



    oh an sorry for the thread jack but i figured sine the OP was negver ever going to see the forum i decided to make it somewhat usefull

  2. have you ever sat at home on your day off and think, im going to get alot of shit done today, and the more you think about it, the less you know your not going to do cuz you lazy.


    for example, i was suppose to go to lifetime and sign up today, didnt do it yet


    i was also suppose to put my motor back together. havent started


    i was suppose to go practice and work out, guess what hasnt happened.


    you know what i have done, woke up, took a shit, ate some chicken(fuck you all who are about to comment on black people and chicken), walked the dog to take a shit, and thought about masterbating. its a lil tough though when your posting on cr though. ill brb, i need to jerk it.


    wanna go grab some lunch then i took this week off too due ot not feeling great but im hungry as shit!!

  3. first off i didn't say buschur wouldn't work on it I SAID i wont take this one there because they fucked up my last one. idc what you call, buschur is shit and there are tons of people that will agree with me.

    Second none of the shops besides mead have seen or been told about my setup therefore they couldn't deny me based on that.

    I know what is wrong with my car and what parts need put on. I don't need my car to have a shop title, i need someone who knows wtf they're doing. I would absolutely LOVE to take my car to AMS but it is too far away. And i have no problem paying to play, i was expecting to


    Then u best bet would be to call ipsmotorsports man

  4. Eric was spot on for Nelson Ledges fun days being 120. I'm assuming a private rental, including the amount of people that have spoken would get us a nice discount.


    As for me - I'm in. I'm gonna mount cameras on the front, back, and side of the 5.0

    So if you wanna be famous try to keep up bitches.


    gotta get the block fixed first....


    shanton woudl u bring the rx7 or vw out there?

  5. it was dads phone, but gave it to me so he could pick up his new zr1. so its now my car, still in his name but he doesnt drive it. im not going to lie about that. im spoiled so hate all you want. but its still not going to save you once we hit the street/ strip



    my bad, it was my dads car, but he is getting a zo6 so he doesnt want the old car. granted its an 07, but my dad is funny like that.



  6. http://www.mandhtires.com/sc_images/products/379_large_image.jpg + http://www.nitrousdirect.com/nitrous/image.php?object_id=1629&image_id=








  7. Like stripes with ghost flames


    Ok rice mageee, u cars perfect the way it is why mess with perfection? I can understand the hassel with vinyls but get them painted on the way they are now. Ghost flames or bunny rabits there both just as gay an won't make u any faster lol



    Ps can I stick my penis in ur gas tank since ur cars sexy?

  8. yeah yeah from far away it looks really good. but the hood isnt lined up at all and that orange peel isnt too good. my friends dad owns a car dealership and i think im going to take it to his body shop guy to see what they think i should do. and my dads best friend is a car dealer at jack maxton and hes over watching the game with us right now. he said i NEED to take it back to kevin and get my $ back and take it somewhere else. im getting told by everyone to take it back and get my $ back. he says $300 is expensive to get a hood painted anyways. so i might have to do that...


    No need todo that give him a call explain your concern, I'm sure he would rather fix it then have a cst had a bad expericence leaving his shop. Goodluck eathier way

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