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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Ohio sucks ass honestly hands down. Most boring city ever. Yea I willl give it good jobs here.


    I moved here back in 2002 due to my moms work transfering her, an ever since then it has sucked haha


    I'm from san diego an have been trying to move back the last few yearsm but finishing school always owns my reason for staying.

  2. Like I said before I'm not going to put up what I have heard, because it isn't my place.


    I don't know for sure what happened, but I can make my own opinion


    . Maybe I'm way off on this, but based on what I have heard



    Just had to go threw an point out some things....


    U wernt there, its not ur place, he had a first had experience being the customer. And well its his site....

  3. main is better because i'm closer to that and i started the thread haha.


    paul, i'm not sure i'm going to snowboard anymore since i broke my leg. my knee isn't what it used to be. i could sell by gear though.

    God u sound like a pussy lol



    Dam u guys I vote main as well but fuck eating I wanna get out of this dump called ohio... road trip?

  4. anything going on tonight? i wasn't able to make it out last night and now i can tonight.

    How about going snow boarding. At mad river..... ben is being a wimp an I wanna fall on my ass again haha.....

  5. God this is nothing but an excuse bull shit thread. Oln that now rob with the black evo an iare going snowboarding bitches



    Phil lets get together this weeeknd with sexxySS an get some food.

  6. Hmmm, I may go tonight actually. Weather forecast looks better tonight.

    Well let me know by 5pm if ur in as I get off at 9an I work in polaris an leave by 10pm we can carpool up in the turd

  7. any one up or ROB for going tongith there open from 4pm to 3am..... meet up at 945pm on broad street kroger....leave at 10? i just wannna go snowboarding dammit! lol


    leme know if any ojnes interested in tonight if not tomorrow

  8. Hit me up too if this goes down, midnight madness woukd be fun.

    Well pm me ur # I'm for sure going tomorrow the question is... will u be gettin the unicorn(you) out for sure or is this a mabey naaa ill play video games thing hahaha,

  9. Fuck, with all this damn rain the mountain is ruined for a while, I may consider midnight madness but I doubt it won't be anything but a sheet of ice.

    Hm I'm down for midnight madness shoot I'm down period I need some practice, leme know if u wanna go man I'm going nonetheless

  10. Yea I'll try get the S4 there, for some reason I have never made it to the track. The 3 years I owned my VR4 i never had it at the track once and i regret it, gotta get this one there. GSXR will only go to mid-ohio.

    pussssyyy dont be scared of a 480pound carbed 600.... lol yea ide love to take my yzf to a road course but well its not the best cornerin bike due to the weight ahh

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