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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Ben man be careful when ur renawl time is coming up as a lot of times they send ur renawl fee threw three times... just make sure to check ur bank account online weekely cause there shady as shit threw this online an will randomly send threw charges.... I see it everyday with customers accounts.
  2. Im down for the next one!! In the T/A!!!........jk jk maybe something fwd and put lunch trays on the rear tires!!!! WIN WIN WIN!!


    Fucking ricer, you won't need trays but bring ur ta out it'll do fine


    Scott man when u do get the new tires I'm sure anthony will be back in town an he will race u in the silverado but ajs trading in his on friday so no rematch annn u don't wanna race the new toy haha

  3. Search the forums, I heard nothing but calling me out on here or at QS&L numerous times over two years. I grudgingly gave in and won, and I recalled you complaining about something or another and how it was possible. It wasn't my fault you were making that little, whatever happened, happened. You seemed to be in the mindset that your car was making way more than that, and was surprised when it was walked.


    That being said about my income, I stopped playing the "spend money to keep up with the new thing" game awhile ago. I don't care anymore who has a stroker with spray, boost, hybrid, whatever. I could if I wanted, I choose to spread things around and still have a faster-than-most car.


    Your still slow ricer!!!an I'm gonna walk ur shit....

  4. Yea there was 9 cars an some dude showed up in a minivan randomly haha


    So yea people showed up hands down though ajs silverado is the snow drag king with scotts ram in close 2nd.


    Good times an nice meeting the rest of you guys


    Oh an kennys kx85 was funny as shit .... he starts going brapbrapp 4 seconds later bam wipes out. Lol

  5. hmmm.....i may show up. is this the super secret secret spot? someone bring a camara i want to see what my 50mph reverse 360's look like. all i know is i can't see anything out of the windows because of all the snow.


    Aj come out an make ashj bring the ctsv lol

    Chad ill be there 10 ish

  6. Rob quit being gay. Ull be in the comfort of your own car


    Scott u know u wanna throw the tonka truck around


    Kenny ide love to see u rippen the 85 around hah


    An we will not be doing all this at meijer just a meeting place jones we will be at the same place as last time I just pray the snow hasent been ploweed there

  7. Speaking of class, when we do race be sure to bring your books cause youre going to get skooled son...:lol:







    Wow just wow....its gonna be that much sweeter... oh an check out my sig... get used to those tail lights ... its all ull see.... ok lameee haha



    Did I hear my name?? HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM


    Yea bring ur big black brick out an throw some snow

  8. Didnt we already go over this? :lol: Im down!!


    I dont have a beater :(


    I say we go do some mad tight driftz on 2 wheels


    Sounds like someones being alittle women? Oh wecan race the bikes froma dig as well.. 10 bucks says my turd of a 600 beats ur 600 lol....


    Bring uir awd out have fun


    Scott I'm brining the expedition out tonight its a lot more comfy haah


    Jones u failed cause u went an di stuff for like 1 minuite pussssy lol



    An kenny bring ur s10 an ur kx havealittle fun

  9. neons cant drift :p


    Haah ouccch urt right but I bet20 bucks it'll beat ur car from a dig at the drag strip...... ooo

    But that's why I've got a ranger an an expedition t dick around with



    Bring ur jackstand warrior out.... lol

  10. Any onme up for some snow drifintg tonight preferably on the east side.... at around 1015pm tonight? Chad starkmasrter I know u want to with ur new truck.... anthony u down?




    Meet at 1015 on the east side at broad street an waggoner at the meijer parking lot.

  11. I have a full enterprise copy (unlimited installs) at the house. Come by this weekend sometime.


    Swinng!!! Winnner thanks man gimme a call when u get that pocket bike an we can try to get both done,


    Oh an pick up some two stroke oil, an a new plug for the bike

  12. i have the full cd too its just the stripped version might run better..you can still do everything on it just all the crap is taken out of it that isnt needed really


    Sweet, how can I get a copy of that if possible?

  13. i have a stripped version of xp that will run with almost no memory being used its quite nice...i can get you a copy doesnt require a key


    What's a stripped copy mean? Sorry I don't know jack for computers.

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