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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. LMFAO!


    Whats in the rx7?

    Check his sig dumb ass has a 4g63 that I belice came out of his nassssty colt that he had played bumber cars with a wall at 200 an walked away cool guy thougt met a few times


    Looking forward to your next project mang goodluck another one for thje geo ide be pissssssed to see that thing waklk me



    Im sorry guys. No party not going to have enough time or money and i have something that came up for the night.


    Rant all you want but i cant change it. Sorry

    U diccccck even u said I had a chance to get a girl, thanks for ruiing my chances now my peckers gonna go back to hybernation mode....

  3. I hate when people make threads like this, an then stop posting in it.


    I hate taking a day off from work an using vacation an sitting on cr all day....ok I'm lying this is the best.


    I hate the wii that I just bought today, cause my out of shape ass is tired.

  4. I thought only mexicans did that crap.




    LoL. . . that's true on like minivans and old pickup trucks I think. What's wrong with a few stylish pieces of chrome on a nice pickup? To each their own :cool:

    not bashing you but you have a damm ncie truck but the more you put on the eeeee it looks take nurkvinnys ram CLean an simple looks sexy. lift that ram throw some fun go fast goodies an enjoy the truck for what it is a truck not a honda :bangbang: j.k

  5. just wondering but im not on the updated list on page 1? Am i still in for this..
    hmm wierd you bought my spot your fine ill vouch for you man mabey BRIAN CARTER IS BEING LAZYYY ha



    so tbutera can i low ball you?



    haha bitchhh i bought it lol... theres still spots available dude

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