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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Hicks?


    All people from lancaster are hicks ?


    What is that supposed to mean newbie ?

    hell yes did you honestly have you ask?




    thank you this making fun of you session has ended but dam your sexy essss 8 mmmmmm



    wonderbraaaaa i migth meet up gonna tackel the garage thats full of car parts an inventory the shit to sell the rest might just have people shot the shit out side ill pm you

  2. omg talk about rice fest holy shit i cant say much i drive a neon but holy hell rip off those graphics an stickers an you might( let me repeat you MIGHT) have a chance at that thing not lookign rice ... wowo
  3. ok so i went snowboarding at mad river 2 or 3 times last year had a blast but im new to this, as any one woudl be any one have an tips on how to be a better snowboarder? i can go down the hill an make left turns well, and stop facin the bottom mof the hill . but right turns suck an stoppin turned around facin twords teh top of the hill suck.





    i ride regular footed an bought a setup off satan last nigth so i will be buyinga year pass to get out there an kill my self wooo



    clif notes any tips on ridinga snowboard better?

  4. I'm only going to play Hardcore deathmatch from now on. I'm tired of playing headquarters and people standing around with their thumbs up their asses not going after the goods.


    That and when playing normal deathmatch you need to empty and entire clip into a person to kill them. ugh.

    ur jsut mad cause ill snipe your ass... :bangbang:

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