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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Dont do it. The torque spike might take something out with it. Also keep in mind that I have 250 jets sitting in my garage and I can spray out of the hole. If I really really wanted to win it would be as easy as swapping jets... dedicated fuel system and progressive controller ftmfw.

    sounds like some one might be nervous? :bangbang:

  2. some of us actually have jobs to go to bright and early in the morning, and we dont want to be out late, so



    First off I work 9 hours a day 5 days a week asshat so I won't ill 9,


    Second 20 grow some balls I worked full time went to school 20 hours a week an still managed to stay out till 4 am atleast 4 nights a week quit being a bitch an man up ha


    An steve ur check engine came on causse u made fun of me asshat

  3. Seriously guys wtf this is an amazzzing truck not only does mike lovee anal he also loves to be anal about his truck. Nothing on this truck is rigged. He always used the best care with this truck the right parts with a professional tune. I've seen the truck 3 times this year an I think mikes only drove the truck 5 or 6 times this year the truck is whicked fast, very reliable an god dam is it sexy!! Mike if I could get outta the srt4 ide pick this up in a heart beat.
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