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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. the game is on at noon... so i can't miss that... i dunno if i'll make it, maybe at half time i'll swing by.

    dam if only some one had bet me that 5 bucks ..... ahh wel inmy head i win again :bangbang: im sure they will have the game on the tv at ntb

  2. my power just came back on about an hour ago. sucked but i have a generator so i could watch movies and keep the fish tanks alive.

    are you flippen kiddding me? every part of reynoldsburg has power except my dam neighborhood wtfffff ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im comign over aj haha glad u got power, ahh

  3. Damm reynoldsburg still no powerrrrrrrr an cr keeps going bazerk on me I was in newark last night on the bike when it was good weather an got stuck out there didn't know it wasa storm. Big tree with a trunk about 2.5 feet wide crashed down on my buddies car an my bike(was just leaves an small branches) we got his car moved an my bike in the living room ahahah
  4. ok so i figured i coudl do this on my own but i faill so i bought a sub alpine 10 a alpine vpower 4/3/2 channel amp model mrp f 240



    yea well i cant get power to teh amp.... i used to have a set of subs inmy car that my buddy installed and just left the wires in there all hooked up...



    ok on the amp ive got a place (gnd) i belive is ground

    power frmo battery

    and remote?


    well i hooke dup the power and ground an putin what i though was the remote and no power to it at all?


    then ive got two cords that just plug into the back of the amp but not sure which "channel" to hook them up to?


    then teh sub has a positie and a negative not sure which channel they go to as well....yea im lost and im sure this is a bunch of blahblah but if you can help i would appreicate it

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