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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. bill its easy as crap to do an oil change on the bike i do mine all the time.... just take fairigns off wala drain plug take out drain plug....take out oil filer..close drain plug .replace new filter(put a little oil in it) fill oil to specs (should be a floater screen to tell you how high you are ) and replace faiing....


    if youir that worried go to google or akatana side and find a how to for direct instructions

  2. Two people have spots for sale, look at the first page and contact them.

    ummm ?? i dont have alot of time to go searching for a spot if theres one available at the pay pal link great if not ahh wel ill still be at oct 3


    if you have a spot and need to get rid of it u can meet me at my work in polaris(i work 12-9pm) or at my house in reynoldsburg, or i can do paypal to you

  3. Teh driving glove




    Envoy SRT-4/ Jungle gym




    Whats it say about Phil when Brian won't touch his junk with a glove on?



    Wtf is this shit when did this happen hahahaahhaah??

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