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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. well hello kristyyy.....


    how about some info how you heard of cr?


    what do you drive year ?


    some info about your self ...long walks on the beach? poetry... lol somemore detailother then your name kristy



    I see your in blacklick starting off good near me an anthony :bangbang:

  2. I'm gonna be going to the Gulf Coast this weekend, but have a question about a potential destination...


    It's gonna be a Saturday-only trip, and I would love to go back to the area I was born in, which is the Fort Walton Beach/Destin area. However, that's a 4-4.5 hour drive from where I'll be in Georgia and would like to cut that down to about half.


    Looking at Google maps, I have no idea where to go, although somewhere east of Apalachicola looks to be about two hours away. I've never been to this area of the coast, does anyone have a recommendation for a nice beach area, clear water, lots of shells, etc.?





    go down to escontransam slowVille its about a 3 hours north of fort waltin area goodplace nice beaces and slow cars...



    sorry u didnt get a answer from any one so i decided to give you one lol :bangbang:

  3. Originally Posted by hb712

    HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


    BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


    I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.



    fuck you, and i mean that seriously.......why would you bring me into this i've been nothing but cool with you, yet you feel the need to fucking bash me?




    x2 what did i do to you dude??


    and phil no one here knows more about masturbation then i do lol :asshole:

  4. yea i did buy it locally a coupl of months ago and brought it back to toledo..but know im back in the town living where i bought it from..

    i bought it from pickerington or something like that

    from a big blackguy? i knew that car loooked famalair.. fucker refused to race me btu talked shit up the ass sayin it would rock my world....so get that lawn ornament to the traack so i can finally run that thing

  5. If it's a Black R/T~SRT-4 It's parts from my old (and Darkone's) SRT-4




    (Also, may I see pics of the aftermath of the total?)

    Nope not yours a guy namked alfy from dublin wrecked it out in deleware are if u go to my profile look at threads I've started an check out the I wrecked my srt thread pics can be seen there

  6. ive gota 2004 dodge srt4 tranny that came out of my doner car has about 2k in work done with all papers to match i though it was messed up turned out it was my clutch so this tranny is freekin sweeet and ready to go


    also have a lsd for thistranny so you 2003 one wheel wonders...


    also have a AGP tranny mount 2 months old 100


    tranny sold to meeeeee cause mine blew up ahha

    400 LSD

    lsddd still for salle



    can get more an better pics i know i fail


    still in the car





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