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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I'll be out messing around on my Wave Runner tonight.


    Anyone else with one goin out?..



    I'll check this befor I leave around 630:cool: And I'll PM all parties intrested with my number so we can all meet up at the same Dock.

    20 roll ...ill be on the bridge in the car you on the water...? :bangbang:

  2. like i said last night, if his car even makes it that long lol

    car will hold im going to drag it all day at trails saturday then go to cleveland that day will show if itll hold.....no spray though unless i can get some oen to install it threw my backout dammit

  3. Wont all that pollution hurt the animals?


    I am not an environmentalist or anything, just curious. I am firm believer in maddox's "For every animal you dont eat, im going to eat 3" campaign.

    pat can you hand me your man card please? thank you now :gtfo:


    lol j.k


    im in!!!!

  4. forgot about the pics will get those up tonight, great daily driver gets awesome gas milage annnnnnnnnnnd has the power to boot.... for the lazy people this is not my car lol its my buddys he doesnt race his like i do mine haah
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