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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. hmm so lets see here let me point out what every one makes fun of me for...


    i live at home


    i drive a neon(talk shit when u actually race me)


    i have no game with women


    i cant type wooooo


    i like racing hmm hence the reason why im on columbus RACING all day long....go figure not sure why i would be on this site....hmm


    hmm what else people come onn you all always have so much to talk shit to me about everytime i fuckin see any of you assholes at a cr meet? well sorry the same 10 people cause the rest of this board is a bunch of internet jackoffs that think there cool an yet never show up to actually meet some people im not a bad guy in person im not some people will agree so if you do not like me well then go blow your self


    and phil get a fucking life i havent changed anythig on myspace in like a year go play some racket ball or somethin

  2. Phil you don't know shit about me or why the fuck I live at home asshole did u ever think theres more to it then me just living at my mothers house, there more to it that I will never release on a public forum you fuck tard if u wanna talk about this we can meet up tonight butleave your nutswings are home we can speek about this one on one



    Oh an happy fuck u friday cr...

  3. WOW!


    I was goofin, and said NOTHING serious to you, or about you.


    Apparently you ARE the ignorant little fuck you display yourself as on here.





    Why can't you other dickheads take this guys route an just put me on ignore instead of bitch an bitch


    An tim taylor shove ur popcorn up0 ur ass nothing to see here

  4. Peasant what r we stock in mid evil time area wtf is that shit?


    What's wrong with me fuckin a pregnant bitch... gezz first you say I don't get it enough now ur complaining that I did wtf sounds like you want my nuts you fuckin fag seriousuly stay the fuck out of my shit


    Oh an to my not girlfriend if that's the case then why did I go an fuck the living shitten out of her the next night huh??


    Yea exactly fuck you dude you've been nothing but a prick

  5. Christian you mother fucker get your own thread an stop shittin in mine asshole


    To the flamer with the mini coooper oooooooo who gives a fuck about my typing again as I stated before use the ignore button


    Phil hinestly man stfu like you have room to talk you swing from nut to nut worse then a middle school cheerleader


    You mooch off people you pick up fat chicks not fat but fatttttttttt


    Youdrive a pos camaro that doesn't even runn yet you talk shit like your mr king shit honestly fuck you man fuck you I'm so sick of your bull shit remarks about every fuckin thing get a life asshole

  6. Paul provides contrast. We can see what the "other" side of the gene pool is like.

    We should take him to grade schools and show them what can happen if you don't finish school, or care about furthering yourself.

    Hey hey hey a big f u to you tooo budddddy


    To all those that think I'm jokin, I'm not so honestly a big fuck you to the people who don't want to read my shit. Use the ignore buttton dumb asses. This is how I type, deal with it. If its that big of a deal an want to kick me off cr for it so be it

  7. Where's mine?


    I know I haven't Nazi'd on you in some time....




    Jesus wept!

    I have to say im proud of you. You haven't gotten on me about that in a while.


    so ill keep the f u away from you kinda sir



    :funny: paul got owned

    fuck you phil get your tow queen finished so you can finally quit talking shit


    so who else wants to make fun of my tying huh? Last time i checked this was Columbus racing ....theres thousands of people on this board but ide say only about 100 people actually race... hmm fuck you all ill be at the track day in October, make fun of my typing when you get there you :asshole: s

  8. so i want to give a shout out too all the people on the fuck off list in this thread


    the one and only brian carter put your helmet back on

    pat go get a fucking car and actually put it together so you can enjoy it


    branden new guy ahhh your new ill be nice


    scott go grow back your dam muttet

    ben bring your little scoobie out so i can finally walk your shit since you always called me out last year but neverrrrrr seeemed to come out to walk me..... yea :jerkit:


    ananda your new too so ill be nice

    axel fuck off just cause i havent batteled with you in like a year

    buck shut up


    hal o sexy well your first post was nice your second was still nice compared to how we used to be so you can stay, and yea your new name makes no sense

  9. hmmm two words for you all fuck off, if you dont like reading my posts theres that lovely button that the mods gave us called ignore

























    j ack





    read that assholes

  10. you got the fab line how can i help? :D

    Remeber the whole I'm not mechanicly inclinned.... I'm gonna put all but the mounting of the sprayed in ym hardpipes goin into the throttle body is kinda makin me iffy ...I don't want to screw it up

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