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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. for it to make no boost at all you have to have completely blown off a pipe. But your car wouldnt idle if that was the case. Hope you didnt get a bolt or something stuck in the turbo.


    boost leak tester is well a way to test boost leaks....


    not true, i had a small leak in one of my hot side pipes and it had enough of a leak to boost NONE. also another time my intake manifold gastet had a fineeee hole in the gasket and it didnt boost jack just went to 0



    just go to google type in boost leak tester and build on or buy one.... you have a turbo car and dont know what a boost tester is..... i hear theres a few civics for sale.... lol j.k

  2. glad i missed the shut down last night but not 10minuites tonight.... shit i could watch porn but what woudl i do with the other 8 minuites?


    in all seriousness im trying to learn this comptuer crap what are you doing that needs cr to be shut down?

  3. wooo i beat the v8beast theres a video of it too bboooyaaa!!!


    ps cool guy on the zx14 could not launch that thing at allll i had him untill well voer the 1/8th but his raw power jsut screamed past me, cool guy though



    where is the videos of my an starmaster racing eachothers bike and then switching mmm r1111111111111111111

  4. I ran a 12.4 in the Trans Am before the rear end decided that it had enough,

    I ran an 11.4 on the R1, it has alot more in it but I need to buy the gear before I push it more.

    I also ran a 17.3 in the Silverado against Anthony.

    and I believe I ran a high 11 on Pauls (04srturbo) 600R.

    yea you ran high 11's on my bike not bad for never ridin it before


    your bike nastty didnt want to crank it open at all off the start or trew first.... or second...ann part of third once the fron end stayedon the ground is when it went lol wanna trade??? haha

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