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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Every car is dirrerent u fuckin moran how would u know with every flippen car on the road oh look his blind spots there oh that cars there u seem like the prick that was behind me this morning ahh well I guess u have ur opinion I wassent bein an asshole in my post answer this my suitation I posted what did I do wrg there sir? Nothin at all some ass hole redneck pos though it would be smart
  2. Tim I can't agree with u more there r tons of dumb drivers out there bikes an cars . But the suatation I'm talkin about is like I said abouve some one tailgatin u then cuttin u off


    I'm not saying I'm a saintbut some drivers have no common sense

  3. Slo in traffic u can't get out of peoples blind spots... so for me the only way to make me known is to peg the rev limiter... gets peopoles attention they don't like it but atleast they know I'm there


    Bills bike doesn't even need to rev his bike is so damm loud haha

  4. Kevin I see ur point but a normal car we wontthink hmm mabey I shouldn't be at his door some ashat might just move over... and a semi that's just coimmon sense in anything


    Andy is ee ur point but the igorant riders will get what they deserve in the end what pisses me of is I was minding my own business in the slow lane no one around an he choose s my lane out of 4 clear ones


    I know there will be a never endin battle but its a lot harder to survive a crash on a bike then in a car people not in here to offend anyone but I've go a pocket full a chanhge for ur windshielf now wooo

  5. Ok fisrt off I'm gonna typo an I'm goin to have no care of grammer in this post so fuck off


    Today I'm ridin my motorcycle do dod do doodle dooo ridin speedlimit in the slowlane mind my own buisness when a lifted silverado comes an rides my ass.... there's 4 lanes of road an he choosess mine so I just ignore it so eventally hit rips around me and at the last second cuts right in freont of me shotting tons of rockes an debree at me (shit hurts goin 65) an I havbe to slam on my breaks cause he did so to get off his exit right after he cuts me off ...



    My rant is one don't ride anyones ass let alone a motorcycle... if they have to stoop fast they can you can't!

    When u change lanes right in front of a biker all the debree gets shot at them goin 65+ mph shit hurts even with a jacket an helmet


    If u tailgate me I've got a pocket full of change that's got ur windshielf written all over it


    Stay the fuck away from me or ill end up putting a hlmet threw ur window u fuckheads


    End rant thank you for shopping at your an asshole airlines

  6. alright so i need a new front tire really bad on my my yzf600R... where is the best place to get a tire and how much does it usually take ti install? mabey some one on here do it for a nice case of beer :D ? Mind you im on a tight budget and was waiting for more mula to come in but other things came up so im back to broke so cheapst good tire any recomendations?

    any one got a used tire for sale to hold me over for a few months? eeek

  7. Im so sick of someone getting walked then they say well my bike is faster than your car....well no shit! thats kind of a given in most cases.


    Thats like me saying i can out run these guys


    First off the reason why I say ill race him on the bike is if u notice he always calls out my broken srt4 as in spews 2 quarts of oil everytime I touch the gas.... so that's why I say ill race him in an unfair race


    Seeeing as racing the srt would be horrificly unfair seeing as I'm boostin 3 pounds of boost with a crank walkin motor...


    Ps thanks for playing lol


    Ps ps phil never walked me he did beat me by a half car .... with messed up mototr an all I wouldn't call that gettin walked

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