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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. fill it till its to the halfway at least. Change anywhere from 2000-3000 miles. depends on the oil too, some cheaper oils break down faster then some higher quality oils.

    im usin yamalube so hopefully itll be good biikes alreaddy runningbetter almost 5k on this oil change didnt even notice or think about it eeek

  2. ahh after fidlign with it for another hour i finaly got it ended up having to get to put the socket on the nut and then wedging a wood block under it so it wouldnt move... then took a nice size SLEDGE hammer to it 3 hard hits and it broke loose...dam the pervious owner!

    i was told not to over fill it ...and in the how to for my bike it says to put in 3quarts but the filler line isant half way up ...shoudl i put more in or wait for the oil to circulate then see where it is at?

    random Q this is my first motor cycle... grew up riding dirtbikes and quads (all two stroke wooo RING DING DING DING DING!!!) and never had to change the oil...how often do you all change your oil on your bikes? Should i change mine more due to the fact that its my daily driver and i put 1000 miles on it a month minimum? sorry for the questions just want to make this bike last lol

  3. so this is my first oil change on my bike yada yad got the farrings off got the oil and filter ect... well i go to take off my oil drain plug and it wont come off.... at all i used some pb blaster to break it nothing is there a certain way to get it off or a certain tool to use? this is my daily driver so any input ot possible help would be appreciated

    im in the reynoldsburg area and have the basic hand tools no special tools(im hoping it doesnt need a special took to take it off)

    thanks paul

  4. so you sit in my car and talk to your bestie all nite long you twat?



    i was in there for 20 min waiting for ur ass to come back from racing... it was earthier sit in there or race ur mullet machine.... i figured ude rather me sit in there :asshole:

  5. done. locked in.


    Im thinkin I'll beat ya to the turn... :D



    WOW Saturdays are slow here at work. :)



    x2 chase on saturdays sucks asssssss lol

    40 roll the bike if its out?

  6. sorry man he put his askingprice on there theres no way anthonys gonna sell it for 190 lol thats crazy low ball ! anthony why are you parting your stuff out man? dsm broke again? Wait was that a trick question?
  7. Did you fucking measure bish?


    BTW you can talk to me when you can walk my car, Mr. broke Neon, Hi!


    BTW you just remember that everything God gave me is bigger than yours. :)



    Broke neon an all wanna run .... come on its just a neon that's reallly fucked up


    I forgott o measure the wing ill try to tonight did u measur urs?

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