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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. HEHEHEHHEHE I love Cr. 60 trim stands for the ratio between the exhaust wheel and the turbine. It's a lot fuggin bigger then you must think :D



    Good luck on your sale - get your car running so I can hurtchew. ;)

    didnt i hurtcheww at trackda ylol

  2. say what you want dickhole!!! at least it doesn't take me weeks/months to get a phone number :gtfo:



    atleast i didtn pass out drunk while having sex didnt even finsih bitch lol



    so even know ur car sucks lets get some pics up of it so itll show that u remotely have an interest in cars

  3. Aw, Thank you for your kind comments:


    Negative rep point:

    "your a fucking prick I can't wait to drag ur shit down 270"


    With much love,


    The Grammar Nazi

    "To correct, and serve"



    Actuallyyyyyyyy that was me :bangbang:

    • Upvote 1
  4. Correction... It was black :p .. with a white dress shirt




    ahAhahahahah fagggg




    asshole lol


    I'm off gender too




    omg im rolling holy shit lol ahahahahahah

  5. Hahaha that's kinda funny


    Regals are bad ass an ide be willin to bet his old lumina would rock ur stang lol


    Jusst go to gamestop worst case u say that's not enough $


    Check craigs list

  6. if you fight it hard enough, it will be at least cut in half. get on the phone, and dont stop there get in your branch.

    Ur besty bet is to go to ur branch...if ur willing to make some form of payment they will work with u


    I recently over drew my account with usbank on accident....my fault so I payed it


    Its in ur serivce agreement the fees it sucks that but its not the banks fault for u spending more money then u had just be careful guys

  7. I'm in for this too, and all you reynoldsburg/blacklick guys should meet up with this pickerington guy to cruise out together. Paint should be done and coilovers should be on hopefully, we'll see.

    I've never seen ur car once...hmm wierd I worked in blacklick for 5 years tooo... ah well leme know if u ever wanna meet up

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