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Everything posted by RMTC

  1. I hope there is a response
  2. RMTC

    Monday FTL

    I hate this weather, it makes work slow.
  3. Well then.... Ill try to attend as well.
  4. I dont know what they expected to happen. They put launch control on a sports car that isnt offered as a manual.
  5. RMTC

    Crown Royal

    Goose straight, Crown and Sprite, Absolute, Glenlivet and Sprite.
  6. I like how they look. Probably wouldnt buy one though.
  7. I cant get the link to work either.
  8. You Scored as Paganism Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion. Paganism 85% Buddhism 80% Confucianism 60% Agnosticism 55% Islam 50% Hinduism 45% Christianity 40% Atheism 35% Haruhism 30% Satanism 25% Judaism 15%
  9. Ufc and WEC are owned by the same people. Ill be ordering the fight and hoping that the rest of the fights are decent. I expect the main event to be awesome.
  10. I definitely just scared the receptionists with my sudden outbrake of laughter.
  11. He also said that they are boxer/corso/lab mix.
  12. Just talked to him. They wont be old enough to take for about 5 weeks. At least one of the males is spoken for.
  13. I called and left a message. I hope he gets back to me. ive been looking for something lab related for a while.
  14. If your going to die anyway why not do something to think your getting the last laugh? Interesting article btw.
  15. I went to smoke signals on thursday and bought a few cigars because i havent in a while. I ended up with my standard Acid cold infusion tea and decided to try a couple that i havent had before. First was an Aurturo Fuente corona maduro. At first it tasted generic and bland but about half way through started having a flavor that reminded me of coffee and old dry pipe tobacco. I wont get one again. Then I had a LaFlor Dominicana grand maduro #5. I liked this one, it had a sweet yet bitter taste to it. In my opinion it had the same consistency and feel of an Onyx cigar. plenty of smoke and burned evenly throughout. It got hot a little too fast for my taste but ill buy one again.
  16. Looks good. Hows the 2 bros exhaust sound? Havent heard one on a zx6 before. Buddy of mine had a micron on his and it sounded pretty mean.
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