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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I edited my post to try and make more sense. Godaddy is the email provider.
  2. I had 2 unread emails in the unread email box. They r both the same message but one says this message was autoforwarded to my other email address. Now in the sent mail folder it says it was autoforwarded and the folder that sender gets filed into says i forwarded it? I've had this for years and never saw this before? I didn't tell it to do that?
  3. Driving down the road I thought I saw a hotty with long blond hair in a pony tail cutting her grass. Then it was a dude...eeehh..hate that
  4. True, but that's no fun....Hey kids, check out my document....
  5. That would be one to throw in the safe for 30 years.
  6. I agree just throw it away next time. You don't have to tell anyone anything. You just need to make sure the other guy does not talk. Even if a cop shows up at your house or anyone for that matter. Say nothing. Always say nothing. They have nothing on you unless you or the other guy talk. Certified mail isn't even proof you recieved something if you didn't sign it. That's not proof you got it. Even if someone tries to put a letter in your hand you can refuse. Letter at the post office. Ask to see it then walk out if you don't like the sender. I'm not too sure about them checking your bank account. I think that would violate a whole lot of your rights. They can't prove that cash was from you and they can't prove where he got it. It's none of their business, end of story. They might BS you to get you to TALK...don't talk. or just don't do this next time. Maybe he owed you money from 10 years ago so it cost very little. Again though you don't have to explain anything if you don't acknowledge them.
  7. Apparently they want him to put a railing on the deck and said don't worry about the letter.
  8. Srew that marriage license. It's a license so she can take your Stuff. Nothing else. In life when in the hell would you ever make a business decision like this? That is all that license is. Business to screw you after the marriage is over. Screw the tax benefits. If A invests more than B and they split B should still be treated equally in the division of assets? Wouldn't you tell anyone even your own brother or sister to get lost at business proposition like that? If I told you you had a 8-10 chance of wrecking your newly purchased $100,000 car wouldn't you want some insurance? You'd at least wear your seatbelt. Nup and PRe-nup and i'm not sure if they actually work..Keep the money and assets seperate. What's yours is yours and whats hers is hers. If you buy a house together make it a business deal each pays equal or you buy it or she buys it and whoever buys it pays for it. If selling, you'd split it on who paid what part of the mortgage. Not, thanks for buying me a house i'll do your dishes and cook for you! F**k that. If someone walked up and said, will you buy me a house if I do your dishes and cooked for you? What would say? Marriage license is friggin prostitute license. These divorce laws had to be written when ya'll worked on the farm and she'd starve to death if you split with the lover. Money has nothing to do with love and if you want to spend your life with someone. This is a little piece of paper we're talking about that u can pick up at the court house in 10 minutes that can ruin YOUR LIFE. Why the hell would u do it under the terms and conditions of that contract?. I know, she wants a pretty wedding, all the family keeps pestering so they can have something to do and your not living in sin and they can pretty everyone up and it's every girls dream. Well fine, do it, make her happy and everyone else just DON'T sign the darn license. What's the difference? ZERO unless it doesn't work out at least you won't get hosed. Think about it. If you were a crook. Wouldn't you the dishes and hump like a rabbit for a chance at a free house? Then if you have kids. You'll be paying out the ying yang because some bunch of idiots came up with child support guidlines that are excessive for support and send many fathers to live in the basement of their parents. O and if they try to get assitance for heating or electric, child support payments don't count as a loss of income so ya don't qualify but then the person recieving the support does not have to show it as income and can get more assistance. And if you spend months with your children you still pay for support while their in your care. sorry to rant....good luck....don't get the license. o don't forget if you get divorced they can tap into your 401k. Technically only the money you put into it while married unless you stayed married for a certain peroid of time then she can have half of all of it. O yeah...the joint bank account gets split equally. Regardless of who put the money in it. Sounds great.
  9. YEp, haulin balls the whole way with the feet up.
  10. Do it!! I rented a new loaded Harley Electra Glide in Vegas last summer and rode my ass off with my GF to the Canyon, stayed there at a lodge, Checked it all out and rode back the next day...Great scenery. Screw standing next to the edge though. It was really cool.
  11. Just get a hammer...or wipe it and move on. This always sucks. Get a flash drive for backup and create two folders for yourself right from the start that all documents and pictures et cetera fall under..Work and personal. Keeps it simple.
  12. 1 small claim a year or two ago but it was not for fire? I'll call these yahoo's.
  13. Sounds like we are on our way to being a third world country
  14. That's what I think? Statefarm said maybe Allstate is losing their license in Ohio. My father got the letter and asked me to start shopping around for him. I need to get my hands on it.
  15. Anyone else get a letter stating this? No fire insurance for the state of Ohio?
  16. Gump

    Bullet Cam

    nasty cam. some of us have photographic thoughts
  17. Neighborhood Watch with Guns. It's good in my book.
  18. Ashtabula County: Judge tells residents to "Arm themselves" Jeff Maynor Updated: 4/9/2010 10:19:33 AM Posted: 4/8/2010 6:24:43 PM JEFFERSON -- In the ongoing financial crisis in Ashtabula County, the Sheriff's Department has been cut from 112 to 49 deputies. With deputies assigned to transport prisoners, serve warrants and other duties, only one patrol car is assigned to patrrol the entire county of 720 square miles. "I did the best with what they (the county commissioners) gave me. If it wasn't enough, don't blame me, don't blame this department," said Sheriff Billy Johnson. Johnson said he is suing the commissioners to get a determination of whether he should use his limited budget to carry out obligations defined by law or put more patrol cars on the streets. "I just can't do it anymore," he said. "I have to have the court explain to the commissioners and to me what my statutory duties are." The Ashtabula County Jail has confined as many as 140 prisoners. It now houses only 30 because of reductions in the staff of corrections officers. All told, 700 accused criminals are on a waiting list to serve time in the jail. Are there dangerous people free among the 700 who cannot be locked up? "There probably are," Sheriff Johnson said, "but I'm telling you, any known violent criminal, we're housing them. We've got murderers in there." Ashtabula County is the largest county in Ohio by land area. Ashtabula County Common Pleas Judge Alfred Mackey was asked what residents should do to protect themselves and their families with the severe cutback in law enforcement. "Arm themselves," the judge said. "Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with your neighbors, because we're going to have to look after each other." Ashtabula County gun dealers and firearms instructors tell WKYC their business has really picked up since the Sheriff's Department cutbacks began some months ago. "That's exactly why they are coming, so that they can protect themselves," says Tracy Williams, a certified firearms instructor in Jefferson. "They don't feel that they are protected. They want to be able to protect themselves." Williams says interest in his classes has doubled recently, and many of those coming are people who he would not normally expect to have interest in obtaining a concealed carry permit. "And as far as him (Judge Mackey) telling you to arm yourselves and protect yourselves, you don't have any other option," Williams told WKYC. "We don't have the law enforcement out here to handle it right now." Ashtabula County, where unemployment is higher than the state average, is asking voters to approve a one half per cent sales tax increase in May. The tax hike would raise the tax in the county to seven percent.
  19. lol..credit card as not been charged, ya they build to order. He's probably busy due to spring time. I want them to be bright, my bro got some of those Led's for $20 and they just weren't bright. We'll see what happens.
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