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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I might be down Friday night. Gotta leave Saturday night to Dove hunt the next morning.
  2. Gump


  3. Gump


    I'd think the hate and it's preaching is obviously spawn from their perspective of what's been done to their people or family, to ignorant to understand who's pulling the strings and why and using religion as false hope clouding sanity. Obviously, if I was a peaceful goat herder and everyone from my church got blown up fighting for a big oil position or just happened to be in the area and got blown up, I'd be pissed as well.
  4. Did you remember the loctite?
  5. Gump


    I don't necessarily agree with hunting Al Baghdadi, I'm waiting for the media to portray him as the next terrorist to go after, along with their religious war oriented rants.
  6. Gump


    Possibly completely wrong but I don't think it truly matters what religious or ethnic affiliation anyone has, other than that is the excuse to congregate the groups jockeying for oil control in the future. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/roots-iraq-war-plantedplanned-1948.html
  7. Gump

    Deals Gap 2015

    Our wifi sucked this year and we were across from the marshmallow campfire.
  8. Prolly not a good idea to text a gf kegel instructions
  9. Or basically until other videos come out.
  10. Gump

    8/17 Sunday Stroll

    Where r u heading from mconelsville?
  11. Gump


    Time to hunt Al Baghdadi
  12. No. I've ran 2 cycle mix in many things when out of normal gas. Tiny bit in a can won't hurt anything.
  13. Sorry, I can't make this now. I need to attend a funeral.
  14. Gump


    Watched the video. Their upset Muslims were killed. I'd like to understand why they think Muslims were killed. I don't really care their god says women need to wear a vail or how they run a city.
  15. Common term associated with cops taking the witness stand is testalie.
  16. If the turd stays moist before we're ingested by a large bird or pulled into a mushroom, we should be ok.
  17. Gump


    Who knows for sure. I can't tell if this article, written a few days ago, is speaking in terms of now or a long time ago. US airstrikes obliterated the vanguard of the insurgents as they came within range of Erbil's outskirts. In recent years Erbil has been transformed into an oil-boom town, a base for numerous multi-national energy corporations, including the big American companies Chevron and Exxon Mobil, all now drilling for oil and gas. Prominent US commentator and author Steve Coll argues that the threat to US energy companies was a factor in Washington's rush back to Iraq. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-12/iraq-crisis-who-are-the-kurds/5666482 Here's another article. Seems more about oil than religious wack jobs not liking each other. More like paid wack jobs doing the work of interested parties wanting to take control of certain areas. So if you had a shit load of money and could forcefully take over some oil fields and then sell it, why not... http://www.vox.com/2014/8/11/5988377/kurdistan-oil Interesting that a filled Kurdish oil tanker is sitting 50 miles away from Houston and can't unload. So the entity we're supporting, we're also telling them they can't sell their oil direct because we want to support the oil sales going thru Baghdad to support the Iraqi government yet the government is not paying the Kurds their cut. wtf
  18. Gump


    We help the Kurds to primarily help protect the American energy companies in Iraq. What a confusing mess.
  19. Lol. I'm not sure how we're communicating though.
  20. What if your galaxy is in my galaxy's animal?
  21. That's good to know. I thought it deserved rep....
  22. What if our galaxy is inside a large animal?
  23. I heard they rioted a shoe store....stole everything except work boots.
  24. Gump

    Trade Question

    Never experienced that. Have him send a reference at the law enforcement agency that you can call to verify?
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