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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Penny stocks are tuff. Keep it simple, look around you. Does this last a year?
  2. I use a Mohu leaf paper thin indoor antenna. Works good, screw paying for tv.
  3. You'll like the big one if you try it in a tent in the middle of winter. Like Tim said, I thinks its just the hose with adapter ends.
  4. What Tim said, get the hose to run big tanks. I got the double burner one and it holds two tanks but about 7 hours is all your get with two little jugs on low. Fan is nice for a quick warmup.
  5. I have no punch line. It was a literal question.
  6. And I have a a goldfish. As long as Hillary is not voted in , I'm good. Got damn feel good pussy liberals, we tried a minority, let's try a female. Blah
  7. She sounds like an old buddies MO. He likes em BIG.
  8. Why arnt ovaries outside, like testicles?
  9. You're good to go then. From what you're running , find out what breaker you need, could be 30, 40, 60 amp. My welder is a a 30amp, then the plug style you need, the correct size shielded wire unless in conduit, then single wires are ok, red and black to the breaker white to neutral bar, ground to ground bar in the panel, some neutral and grounds are on the same bar in the panel. Outlet is common sense. Don't touch anything shiny and have the breaker off when doing it.
  10. Are at least two of them on the same side next two eachother. You should be able to find a closer person to do this, although I might be down that way this weekend. Its extremely simple.
  11. A 220 breaker splits the legs itself. Do you space in your breaker box for a 220 breaker? Normally the size of two normal breakers? Unless you're using two seperate breakers which is dumb. I'd do it for cast iron welding training maybe....is this in a garage or house and is it to a outlet, need conduit, going thru walls?
  12. Ya I'm not sure why u can't do it yourself unless you want some fancy conduit, odd turns, and cut thrus.
  13. Ok. So after the annoying click thru advertisements, what now? The trade button won't open up, can't buy anything.
  14. It says the inspection/ pickup is in Hartville. I tried to call the guy trying to see if this is a scam.
  15. That sucks. Obama essentially took all healthcare and kinda put it out to bid, but insurance companies with lower rates compared to others, quickly raised their rates. Some sort of socialist healthcare equalizer.Using multiple healthcare brokers to fight against eachother on a companies behalf is always fun. The original broker will him/haw and tell lies that you can't have two brokers going after the same thing. All lies, it just makes it difficult for them as some insurance companies will only quote one broker for one account.
  16. Dead rabbit in the pump house, floating around, kinda moldy, very stinky. Maybe that's why I've been itching.
  17. http://www.fasttrackauction.net/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?fasttrack1518/category/ALL 2000 Triumph TT600's at $400
  18. Clay shooting? That's part of what winters for.
  19. Wow, I'll have to look into that. I didn't even think they still existed. Ignorant of me. I thought it was all foster parent stuff. Good idea.
  20. Points to you for not trying to take a shot at that.
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