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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Butters, You could have hit in the head with a brick. Should be NSFW warning. You may see weiner.
  2. Going to Ireland and I know nothing about these new fangled things except I want SLR for fast pics and a big ass zoom lens for nature pics back home. Was lookiing at re-furbished and not really wanting to go over $500 much. Was looking at thishttp://www.bestbuy.com/site/Canon+EOS+Rebel+T3+12.2MP+DSLR+Camera+Kit+and+Extra+75-300mm+Zoom+Lens/9999204900050024.p?id=pcmprd203700050024&skuId=9999204900050024 but seem to like Nikon better.
  3. Not what I expected of Maine. Very cool pics. Keep em coming.
  4. Welcome. 800 is kinda for Harley's but there's lot of good roads between Marietta and East Liverpool.
  5. Not sure if my bro ever called but he picked up a ford truck.
  6. Circus freak got loose. I'm surprised that big dude in the blue shirt didn't drop him. Pussy.
  7. You could send it to that itsagreatdaytoride guy.
  8. The kind that doesn't fall apart, a mechanical gauge the holds the reading, connected to a fairly long rubber hose with the air chuck on the end. Advance auto
  9. Possible liver and solvent moonshine reaction.
  10. Diabeetus...there's another name for toe knumness but its related to diabeetus.
  11. I enjoy your blogs over other pro-gun readings that are so slanted you really don't the facts. Keep it up!
  12. Can't get much stupider than that.
  13. Dang I need a Rincon so I can hang. My back can't handle the Recon on more.
  14. Advice from the pirate...../\ I barely drank, except late saturday night when everyone went to sleep.....I was so wired, yet bored, I picked up trash outside the cabin.
  15. Dang, that does look bad. We had some nasty lightning strikes and the power flicked off twice but that was it.
  16. I like the angle. Screw the sound.
  17. My honda did this since new. Got new tires and it stopped.
  18. I love me 3 rail...Would still keep it if I bought this trailer.
  19. Aahhh the pic bar has been lifted.... ****edit
  20. New spot is in need. It's lost it's newness appeal.
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