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Posts posted by RVTPilot

  1. I know bro. Just bustin' your chops. Thanks again to you and Cleve for making the trip up, and you guys have a good one this weekend. One of the mights we have our bike gang from work get together up here you two will have to come up. Come check out North Ridgetucky!:sheepfucker:

  2. That's a handy looking axe. I would say again to find some other way to come up with the fundage, because you may be losing interest now, but maybe in 6 months or so (like when riding season ends up here) you may find yourself longing for it.

    GSP - you sold a Les Paul. You do something like that again, and I will have to take that R6 from you until you understand the consequences of your actions, young man! If I didn't even know how to play (which I don't exactly..I just fake it well), I would have kept that thing. Then again, I sold two guitars back in the day when I didn't have to. But neither of them were a LP.

  3. I will be honest after having sold a couple guitars I wish I hadn't. If this is just a case of not having the time rather than needing the $$$, keep it. Trust me. You will wish you hadn't sold it.

  4. Sorry to hear your off your feet. Having spent 6+ weeks on crutches for microfracture surgery THEN 6 more with my throttle hand in a cast thanks to a dweeb from the murky end of the gene pool, I know all about rehabbing and missing riding time. But methinks that you should be able to hit your target in September if you don't encounter any setbacks. Good luck bro!

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