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Posts posted by RVTPilot

  1. Good to hear your none the worse for wear (all in all), glad it wasn't worse.

    Where exactly did it happen? The only nursery around here that I can think of is off Rt 83 as you're heading towards Avon.

    I live off of 83, just north of Ctr Ridge. (Mildred Dr.) I wa hit turning onto Mildred while on 83.

  2. Earlier tonight, I had my first motorcycle accident in almost 20 years of riding. I had fallen down once or twice, but never hit. Well suffice it to say, my cherry (and a couple other things) have been busted. What makes it frustrating was that I was hit by some rookie biker who had his little cruiser less than a week. Here are the basics:

    I was riding on the 35 mph 2 lane road that my subdivision is connected to. I was on thr left side of my lane and went to make the right off of the road onto my SD side street and the guy behind me tried to pass me on the right as I slowed to make the turn. Mind you, the only way you can turn is right. Turn left, and you'll end up in a nursery's field. I had signaled, braked, and was leaning into the turn when he T-boned me. The bike lowsided, but it pitched me off in front of both bikes, of which mine caught up with me. At the scene, the guy said nothing, just stood around in disbelief. Thankfully, the folks who's yard I slid through the intersection into were in their driveway and called 911. And within moments, several witnesses were there all saying (or asking) the same thing..."Did this guy actually do that?!"

    My right side took all the damage on both me and the RC, save for a sprained left thumb. My right knee is sprained, but not too bad really. The worst damage is a broken right hand and possible damage to my wrist. (And yes, I am right handed.) I go see the ortho surgeon later today, and I have my x-rays on CD. But thanks to being shod in my armored leather, brand F*CKING new Oxtars, lid and SP-1s, I am relatively okay. I will be good to ride again. I feel like I was hit by a bus, not a bike, but the vicodin helps with that.

    The Mrs. stayed at the scene after the ambulance took me off, and her dad talked with the traffic CSI guys. The other rider (some greenhorn foreign guy) actually told the cops, "He hit me when I tried to pass him on the right!" He was cited, and apparently insured, but continued to argue with the cops that I turned into him. The cop eventually told him you don't get it, and quit arguing before they do more. I will know more when I get my copy of the PR this afternoon.

    The Mrs. happened to have our digital camera with her (and unfortunately our kids) and took tons of pics of the bike and the scene. I will post them as soon as we get them downloaded.

    Compared to a lot of guys, my accident is small time. I know I got off light for the most part. But were it not for my boots and CE armor in my sleeves, my right arem would have been shattered, along with my ankle. I am known to be the anal gear guy in my group...and thanks to being such, will continue to be once I get back on the bike. It was the difference between coming home from the hospital after a few hours and a few hours of emergency surgery.

    Thanks for lending an ear, and I will update things as they progress.

  3. :D

    We had this saying while I was in the Army.... Lead from the front and Lead by example, I understand we are all human, but we should all set the example for others to follow especially those in positions of authority, not just cops but judges, senator's, and all public officials in the view of the masses.............. Just my two cents.

    :plus1: Wise words, fellow vet. And while it may be true that all of those in positions of autority are human, the acceptance of such autority is a conscious decision, as is the abuse of it. There are 10%'ers everywhere, be it on base, an aircraft carrier, or the local county hoosegow. And while our young Johnny Law here is just 20, we all know that to be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. So it's simply upon him to offer complete unadulterated copitulation, learn from his mistakes and stand up to say "my bad". And take the time to enjoy the giggle as he scrambles to put the toothpase back in the tube. Some of us can giggle as having made the same mistake at a young age, others simply by knowing better. Either way, just hope he comes around. We have a hard enough time fighting the knucklehead sterotype to The Man without having an inside guy perpetuating it.

    Go to the light, Carol Ann!

  4. A child molester is walking into the woods with a yound lad, when the boy exclaims "Man! The sun's going down and it's getting dark and spooky around here. I'm scared" To which the molester replies "You think you're scared? I have to walk out of here alone!"

  5. i have my temp. only.. but i still ride at night and have riders.. im a cop.. so who is going to take me to jail in my own county.

    Okay young rebel law man, question for you then. What do you tell someone who you've just pulled over who's DL has expired, say, a month or so ago, but tells you "I'm sorry officer, but I just haven't had the time to get it renewed." Do you let him go or do you hold him to the standards the rest of us are legally bound to?

    Believe me, I get being busy, and time being a luxury that isn't always afforded. (Wait until you have kids someday!) But do yourself a favor and make the time. Talk to your boss (being that upholding the law is his job too, perhaps he might be willing to accomodate a slight schedule adjustment so that one of his reports may find a way to be compliant with it) and enjoy the course. The $25 deal here in OH is great. I was lucky to have taken my MSF course in the military, but I was in FL at the time, and they charged $75 for it then, and that was 13 years ago.

  6. Hang on right there scrotum cheese farmer. Nobody ever said anything about penis'. I'm thinking you have some secret envy of your own there...did the flat fish get at you?!?! :sexytime:

    And you better leave walther be. Pppssss...he's packin' and I'm not talking about in his trouser either ya sausage wrangler.

    I can read!! Damn it!! I have to move out of Shefftucky so I can lose this hillbilly aura.

    And what will that poor village do without it's idiot? Stay there. They make you look smart, and your slow ass Gixxer is prettier than the usual collection of front yard iron horses rotting amisdt the trees out your way.

    If you want, you can park the gixxer next to the 51 while you're in LV so that it's kept company. Maybe it it's lucky, my nasty little twin will defile that pretty little bike of yours and make it an honest machine.


  7. Being an RC51 owner, (a.k.a. RVT1000) RVTPilot seemed as natural as it is unimaginative. On all the other sites I belong to, I go by DevilDawg, being a former Marine and a huge Browns fan. Slightly more creative than RVTPilot, but the week I signed up here at OR was shitty at work and my brain was oatmeal.

  8. Oh god, it blows my mind what some people get for their first bikes. I am totally against anything above a 600 for a starter bike. I learned on a 250 for a few months. There is much more to riding than just shifting and twisting the throttle that you won't learn well at all on a big motor. Smaller motor/smaller bike is much more forgiving towards mistakes which makes it a better learning tool.

    I used to work for a bike accessory shop in Jax, FL, and we would see the greenest noobs come in on brand new ZX-9s or 900RRs looking to trick the shit out of their new ride, still shod in nipple encircled tires and temp tags. And two months later they were in putting pics of it up on the classifieds board. That is, if they could grip a push pin with a cast on.

    I cut my teeth on an old Kawi KZ550LTD then an old GS500 that a buddy of mine had, and I remember thinking "Christ..this is fast!". While I am very much against any laws that one might concoct to protect some rider from themselves, or force dealerships to not just sell any bike to any rider, it would be nice from time to time to see some common sense executed and enforeced within the community. But then again, they would be interfering with the natural selection process.

  9. No, i would agree with that Nick, but having seen many a knucklehead who didn't know how to ride pick something that was so completely exceeded an entry level machine, I am always facinated to see what someone gets as a first bike. Gets back to the thinning of the herd analogy, one that I happen to agree with.

  10. That is a sad bit of luck there. I would be interested in hearing what kind of bike he was on too. Was he like some young squid who hops on a 1000 for his first bike and wheelies his way to St. Peter's office? Not that it takes more than falling off a 250 to crack one's brain housing group.

    And now it must be even harder for them to sell HDs with crime scene tape in the parking lot.

  11. Pay $25. Take the safety class. Get your license. They provide the bike. And you'll learn something I promise, no matter how long you've been riding.
    :plus1: The class is very much worth the time and $$$.

    And to add to the original title of the thread, you guys leave some clean twisties down there as I will be there the following weekend. I am meeting some guys I used to be stationed with that I haven't ridden with in YEARS! And it's my first trip to the gap in almost 8 years. From what I hear, it's rather different down there now, thanks to all the cager clubs infesting the place and Johnny Law setting up permanent residence in the pull off areas. Still, it's worth the trip.

  12. A few years back I was showing my ass on the street and was caught by a FL Statie for carrying the front wheel. I did it in the almost the worst place possible in Jax, yet she let me go with a warning and a write up to get, of all things, my front tire replaced because of wear. Now, at the time I was in the Marines, so I don't know if the green ID card helped or not. (Jacksonville is a heavy duty military town.)

    So R1, I agree that you did the right thing and stood tall for the man.

  13. :welcome:

    North Ridge as in the Springfield area?

    BTW - Sweet Bike.


    No, North Ridgeville, west of Cleveland. A bustling little town trying to fight it's way back to the 1980s. But the taxes are good and my family is close. (A little too close sometimes.)

    And right back at ya on the bike sweetness! I love the rumble of a twin. Mrs. Pilot has caught me a time or two with my johnson in the spout of my Leo's.

    Here's a pic from the other night where I took my 7 year old for his first ride. I swear he was making motorcycle sounds in his sleep.

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