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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Unwashed kimchee is truckloads of awesome sauce. I likes to rub on my bum when its skin gets dry. And you gaiz is the uber nerds. Loves yous, but yous nerdz. Oh, and sorry 'bout your Rangers, Cheech. Love, a Devils fan.
  2. I'm good for a large, please. DONE
  3. My daughter's borthday is Saturday, but if I can escape any further domestic entrapments, I may be able to come out Sunday and pit bitch.
  4. That bike is screaming to become someone's tracker! GLWS!
  5. Thoughts and prayers for dad, you, and the family, Scott. Cancer is a complete and utter bastard. I hope you have more light moments like the beer/meds one with dad while he endures.
  6. I am obviously way behind the racing 8 ball relative to you guys, so my sights for a team would be next season. But I would like to be at least a fly on the wall for this "conversation". Except for madcat. You took my angle. Dick.
  7. This is the sort of racing I was thinking of shooting for next season. I need to learn more about how MS does it, but I think this would suit me better. And if I keep the 750 next year, it might make a good platform for a group bike.
  8. Didn't I just ask you about the ginger multiple factor at PIRC? See what happens? I am travelling for work right now, and just read the whole thread. It sucks to hear about all the bad luck, and I pray everyone makes it through a quick and complete recovery. Its the risk of the sport and we all know it, but that doesn't make it suck any less when it happens.
  9. RVTPilot

    I'm Down

    Being someone with a left knee that's innards once looked like pasta salad, you have my sympathies on the injury. Glad you were otherwise unscathed, and now your bike's cherry has officially been popped. Welcome to the club, though we really aren't looking to ever add any more members. Hope you heal soon and completely, and get back on the bike.
  10. Legos is the shiznit. I had kids to people would stop looking at me funny in toy stores.
  11. The kid LOVES his Legos. Constantly having lego cops and robbers/terrorists/zombies battles.
  12. Thanks, guys! Yes, grandpa and I stress finger position and proper finger pull. And Zach is a good student. While he plays Nerf guns around the house like he's in CoD or GTA, at the range, he's all business. Very proud!
  13. While I was at PIRC Saturday, my son was with his grandfater preparing for impending undead doom:
  14. Felt bad for Tyler yesterday. He was cutting nice laps and giving Kevin fits (+1 for that!), then has his day undone by a stock clip on. Makes me want to keep my OEMs in the tool box for someone who could use them (or myself even!) should gravity win in a corner. It was great to meet you, Tyler, and look forward to more track days soon! Oh...and more bacon.
  15. Fookin' sweet, Hobs!!
  16. Godspeed, Mr. Shelby. Lord knows you'll be faster than him when you get there.
  17. Looking forward to you coming out and having a good time! Don't be shy about asking for help.
  18. It means 30% of those there won't be and will miss out on riding in the sun on Sunday. There's a slight chance of rain. However the work "SUN" is in the name of the whole day. I am going with the latter.
  19. Depending on how Kev and I are doing for room, I might have a grill to bring.
  20. Just like the way I got in this country, ese!
  21. Nah, ya don't have to quite go full Ike Turner on him. He's just like most women, and likes a strong hand now and again. Then he pretty much opens up like Disneyland...ride all ya want.
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