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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. so whats that make you? dumb fuck? or shit for brains?
  2. look in the drama queens section

  3. 1.He does not even live in coshocton county 2.The reason we were saying the stuff about is because he is full of shit, always talking about how fast he is, how he just shreds up his tire, and people have a hard time keeping up with him. His EGO is huge 3.He writes up updates on O.R. like he is on fucking twitter 4.He cant keep his fucking mouth shut 5.Casper he sucks your dick 6.If i get banned, i could really give a fuck less. some may agree with things i say, some may not. but i can tell you this, we are not the only ones that feel this way, not only him but to a few people on this site.
  4. i WILL get in someone's face if i got something to say, and not even think twice about it
  5. :lol: im just fucking with ya todd. gotta give ya a hard time. i know how much you like those "gheys" :lol:
  6. that sounds kinda sexy (for you 2 that is)
  7. Ttttttooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  8. that's why i like you

  9. you know todd, your a dickhead

  10. you bet your sweet ass, and if you got a problem with it then you can go with me
  11. exactly, thats why it makes it so good, im just giving people what they want!
  12. come on guys? rep? that's what its all about right?
  13. i figured this was the best way to build rep? post something random that's not motorcycle related at all and hope for the best? thats what it seems anymore? right?
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