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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. you better go to the gap with us.. because im going to to go and i would like to blow you the fuck away.. have a nice day. :lol:

  2. i'm going to a u haul renting place today and measure the trailer and see how many bikes we are going to be able to fit in it.
  3. Janet was talking to me about deals gap and she said we should stay at a place called Meggie Vally. Its about 50 Min. from the gap. And the roads around it are amazing. They stay there all the time when she went down there. Also there is not chain restaurants its all home cooking. She said its a pretty cool town.
  4. whats going on here? are we talking about Saturday?
  5. next time i see you todd im going to stab you in the neck with a butter knife
  6. cloudy here and still no rain.. i think im going to go out for a ride.. sorry you guys couldn't make it..
  7. That sucks.. its spitting some rain here and there over this way.. it'll be dry at 10:30 im guessing
  8. does that mean you are going to try to touch my ass while we are riding?
  9. i like the 70's porn.. the more hair the better
  10. someone else can lead this ride.. im tired of leading :sad:
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