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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. are you FUCKING NUTS? why would i touch your DRUM SET? i was watching caps

  2. i can see this thread ended up in the fuckstick section..
  3. mclovin.. the only thing he shreds is his back tire.. love those ketchup packets!
  4. that was to good! im glad you found that, that way i can save it to my computer and use it for future use! :lol:

  5. holy shit.. i just lost it!!! :lol:

  6. lets sum this up... some people like group riding.. some people dont.. some people wreck.. some people dont.. moral to the story is.. IT HAPPENDS.. move on and ride another day.. it get tired of reading the same ole shit..
  7. maybe i should of! McLovin is always out to get me
  8. elliot.. ur an idiot.. it was packs of ketchup i was throwing because thats the only was you can come close to me
  9. glad you had a good time! nice meeting ya!

  10. He was doing well for the first time on the twisties, he was learning and thats all that matters. He will get better just give him time
  11. sucks to hear about your wreck man.. ur walking, thats all that matters
  12. good ride guys, glad everyone could make it down
  13. Drink apple juice.... Because oj will kill you!!!
  14. no thats the straight one, ur thinking of the one across the street.. you know the one that parks always goes to
  15. no just got off work, i took a vacation day for this ride so it better be good!
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