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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Ron Burgundy

    The Gap Trip 08

    look how gay elliot looks.. what a homo
  2. i think everyone is getting excited for this ride tomorrow
  3. thats what your mom told me last night
  4. i think the rain is going to hold off for tomorrow! im ready to ride!
  5. haha.. you must of been mistaken.. that was the pic i took of you and parks the other day
  6. i just had a tribal done from my elbow to coller bone for $180 here in town.. does very good work.
  7. sorry.. i had to clean my pool again.. and by the way.. i was working haha
  8. we may have to do 2 groups.. there is going to be a huge amount of bikes..
  9. i cant wait to drag knee in my camo pants
  10. parks to be honest with you, you will not get layed off unless someone bumps you from the road. i say you still have a pretty good chance staying than getting the shaft
  11. as myself and moody counted the number of people coming for this ride is around 30 bikes.. hmmm do you have a plan for this?
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