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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. ok, that sounds good, we have a real good route for you guys and a good place to eat. plan on riding 70 to a good 150 miles once you get here. and i dont get off work until 3 so you guys should be getting close by the time i get off.
  2. one question, how long do you guys plan on being down here.. we are trying to figure out a route for you guys so we can get a time frame
  3. hye hoew aere u doning? thsi si a raelly gode disscussiun
  4. that road does suck.. i used to drive it all time when i worked for my uncle in McConnelsville..
  5. ill prolly ride when i get off of work if you need someone to ride with, i can show ya some sweet roads
  6. i think he deserves a stimulated taint rub
  7. its actully RON BURGUNDY.. GET IT RIGHT this is RON BURGUNDY this is RON JEREMY
  8. ill be riding today and tomarrow for sure.. although im not even close to you guys
  9. any of you guys interested in a myrtle beach run this summer? maybe get hotel room for a night and ride back?
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