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Fonzie last won the day on December 24 2011

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About Fonzie

  • Birthday 06/12/1971

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  • Name
    Russell the Love Muscle
  • Location
    Sober Valley Ranch
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    Founder of the Dysfunctional Traveling Circus

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  1. well the chapters idea was so everyone in a specific area such as columbus, cincinnati, cleveland.... etc, could kinda have monthly meetings to schedule rides and fundraisers, events... stuff like that.. each member pays yearly dues of let's say 20 bucks, for the 20 bucks you get: a newsletter, a patch (with the ohio riders logo on it) and a rocker declaring your chapter... now sub groups such as the DTC would get a rectangle pocket patch for the front...obv. could charge a nominal fee for that also. Now each chapter is responsible for arranging meeting times and places, collecting dues, and sending a portion of the dues, lets say 2 bucks a member, to the state HQ.. Headed up of course by Ben, now the state HQ is responsible for publishing the newsletter, approving chapters rockers, and scheduling state wide events... such as the christmas party etc.. now the chapters can have open elections and take prospects... so each chapter would need a pres., v.pres, treasurer, and sgt. at arms. and 3 trustees... to keep the books legal like... once formed we could apply to the state for a 501 3 c licence to be considered non profit... as all our fundraisers would be for charitable causes... Like special olympics, feeding the homeless, etc.... so what do ya think?

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