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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. Thanx Tom Now if I could just remember WTH my yahoo IM name is
  2. Who we talkin' about..... Ninja Chick??
  3. dont forget to take a few sheep in the closet w/ ya ... no need to be lonely y u wait!! Good thinkin' Where'd you say Kay went to Wrill?!?
  4. I didn't actually do anything to EARN this Nobel Peace Prize..... But I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night! <lulz>
  5. I vote for someplace on the North or NW side, so it doesn't take a full 2 hours for some of us to get there Preferably close to North 23 &/or 271W...... But at least north.... Even for the Cleveland guys
  6. I've got a couple cardboard boxes taped together with a flux capacitor in my backyard Still haven't been able to transport anybody yet.... But I think that makes me legit enough to cover all my promises & speeches
  7. AMEN! OK Spock As Aerik's sig quote says...... "The eloquence of brute force" I think there's another saying about "No peace has ever been gained without violence" I don't think I've ever heard that one before
  8. I'm THINKIN' about ending world hunger, curing AIDS & cancer, & maybe solving this whole time travel conundrum once & for all....... Someone please come get me when Sweden calls with my Nobel <eyeroll> <gag>
  9. Everybody sshhhhhh...... He's gonna find us!
  10. These aren't quite in that scale...... But picked up some Leiny Oktoberfest couple weeks ago, & some Beck's Oktoberfest today, that hopefully I'll be givin' a try tonight Didn't even know Beck's brewed an Oktoberfest Don't think I like the Leiny as well as I did the Sam Adams Wanna try some of that new BL Golden Wheat too, just for shit's & giggles. Hopefully it doesn't taste as watered down as regular Bud Light
  11. All politicians don't get Nobel Prizes for speeches & lip service...... With NO tangible results Gore cheapened the award...... This makes it a complete farce!
  12. You're absolutely right Justin...... They're breathing a sigh of relief because they know the U.S is just one big pussy now with a non-American, tree huggin' liberal hippy at the helm & they can begin the invasion/conquest with no fear of retribution in 3.....2.....1
  13. What he said! Sorry to hear this Matt!
  14. Just admirin' your avatar again..... Absolutely LOVE that bike of yours!!!

  15. That thing is freakin' awesome Art!! And rep for you Tom! Eric..... Not soooo much!
  16. Yeah..... I gained like 20,000 points in less than a week when I tried my asshole phase And that was back before you inflated/imploded the rep system, & 20,000 points was still a considerable amount
  17. Fixed That For You Now rep me bitch!!
  18. From what I'm seein' Ben...... It looks like even though you entered that info, your addy's not viewable to the general public.... Is that right?
  19. Yeah.... That eye bit made mine hurt! And WTH's the deal with Clay rattin' little Hale out to Big Brother after he just did them a solid..... "Good thing little brother's got a good memory" What a dBag
  20. It's mildly amusing to me that people who've just recently joined in the last 6'ish months are eons ahead of me in rep
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