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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. "It's a double freakin' rainbow mannn... Fullll double rainbow mannn!"
  2. That should still give us plenty of time to get you drunkered up
  3. Fonzie

    Whiskey Run!

    This comin' from the guy who diappeared to the "auto parts" store once we got there
  4. Fonzie

    Whiskey Run!

    When I saw your thread title... I thought you were headin' back for Clermont again
  5. Seems like more could'a been done w/ the paint, to tie into the team Maybe murals on the tank & tin
  6. Watching that vid before I even read any of this stuff... I swore it looked like she did it on purpose. Then I see the stuff about her shady past, & like others suggested on here... I can't help wonder if it's a scam. Only thing that leads me to think otherwise, is that she didn't flop around in the fountain for awhile 'til security or someone got there, so it would all be documented w/ paperwork. She left awful quick if it was indeed intended to be a con
  7. Nobody told me Jagr was on this show...
  8. That she is yes sir You had me at "Hello"
  9. C'mon Scott... It's Discovery. There's no drama in any of their "educational" type programming
  10. You guys must be gettin' it worse down there
  11. Never too late to come to the party Mark... DTC's there 'til the bar closes And trust me... Buddy's is WAAAAY more fun than the IX show!
  12. Absolutely... Be good to finally meat you. Magz is up there by you, & he usually comes w/ us

  13. On the railroad, we call that the "5 minute rule"... 5 minutes after every move we make to make sure we're following all "safety protocol" Actually... the railroad is one of the last places I think unions truly are needed. The carrier is CONSTANTLY weed weaseling trying to discipline the workers. I remember hearing that Union Pacific has a set percentage of employees that they constantly try to have "on the street". There's a reason the term "I got railroaded" is part of the american vernacular, & that it's the only job I know of where you can actually buy "job insurance" to replace your wages for those times you're suspended They have a saying "There are 2 kinds of railroaders... Those who've been suspended, & those who are waiting"
  14. Fonzie


    ding Ding DING!! The resemblance is striking
  15. Fonzie


    Nobody's catching my joke above
  16. Mehhh... I hear what you're sayin', but very little is done by hand over there anymore, other than assembly. Poole cads everything in the computer, then they water jet & put together Rick's about the only one who does any hand fabbing anymore It amuses me how the show used to be 2-4 episodes devoted to a particular bike, & now they usually slap 'em out in one show PJD is more how OCC used to be when they got their break. I got bored & quit watching for several years, until the whole rift between Jr & Sr happened OCC anymore belongs on that "How it's Made" automated show
  17. Exxxxactly what I was thinkin' too! I could maaaybe see payin' that much for one of the remaining originals... But not a freakin' replica
  18. I keep tellin' you guys we have a rep system
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