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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. Seriously?!? DAMMIT!!!
  2. Did this one show up, or another link to the XX site??? Just finished my first pitcher of pina' coladas w/ extra rum, & debating on a second
  3. GRANTED, but each inch you grow vertically is deducted off your penis size.....so now you're a negative! I wish to be a hetero porn star!
  4. Ohhhh myyyy......Now that's what the Fonz calls an "All You Can Eat" Smorgasbord!!
  5. Zero just told me about this.....Not sure how the hell I missed it. Even if I don't race, I definately see myself ridin' over to hang out with you guys. Don't know of anything else goin' on that day right now.......but that could change once the family "Social Director" is consulted
  6. Fonzie


    I went twice in a row when I revised mine to nod, then node, since Todd posted while I was typing "Toted"
  7. Gotta keep your pimphand strong!!
  8. Fonzie


    Node **Edit** Todd beat me, so I'll go with "Nod" first, then "Node"
  9. He's an internet peruser at Kodak
  10. .........He says as he goes off and starts his own postwhoring thread!!! You know....You could always join in, instead of fighting the insanity Nick! Now that you've gotten your "Hooked on Phonics" tapes...... 4 letter words should be a breeze!!
  11. Annnndddddd......... FAIL!!
  12. Fonzie


    Tact pork:sex: I revised the rules back at post #64.......If you add or delete.....That can be your ONLY change....NO other letters altered. It's also updated in Post #1
  13. GRANTED......But now you've grown up to be a Milli Vanilli wannabe! I wish there weren't 2 yahoos running for President this year!!!
  14. Fonzie


    What am I missing there? You would'a just added the L to Paid....correct? That've been OK, unless I'm forgetting something. Which rule were you referring to? Band
  15. Oh C'mon.......Nobody said Judy here?!? I haven't even met her & was thinkin' it!! Hanson....Chris!!
  16. Fonzie


    Tart I guess it doesn't specifically say anything about deleting letters, so we'll allow it. I'm actually up for being able to add OR delete ONE letter......But if you do so.....You CANNOT also change another letter. That, in essence, would be your change, and the only allowable change Anyone???....Buehler?!?
  17. Can you say "Amero"??? They're trying to devalue it so much....Us sheep'll beg them for a stronger currency Missed that
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