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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. "25 Years of Buell"......Tells how he started & got where he & the company are today. Makes some surprising comments about "the Motor Company" Article about Alton Brown in same issue as well
  2. > Here's a riddle for the true intellectuals. > Try to come up with the answer on your own. > The answer is at the end for those who are unable to think this one through. > > At the exact same time, there are two 35 year old men on opposite sides of the > earth: > > One is walking a tight rope between two skyscrapers. > The other is getting "oral pleasure" from an 85 year old toothless woman. > They are both thinking the exact same thing. > > What are they both thinking? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Don't look down
  3. Yes it is....Yes it IS!!! Schmuckingham........You're a LUCKY man!!!
  4. OK.....You guys are gonna have to translate "Pervert Fetish Speak" for me......What the hell is "JO"?
  5. Do any cars on his property ever block the sidewalk? Does he ever have any loud gatherings/parties? Police Does he ever have "campfires" on his property? Are they allowed in your town? Fire Dept Does he ever do home improvement projects w/o permits? Any bushes hanging over onto the sidewalk, or blocking a view around the corner? Sidewalk in disrepair? Zoning Commission Anonymous calls that will drive him up a freakin' wall, even if they just come out & talk to him. Better yet if they warn or fine him We've got some older neighbors who don't like our boys from when they were little & would sometimes cross into their yard while playing. They pull this kind of crap on us all the time. They even tried pumping their basement flood water onto our property last summer, 'til I found it when our yard started flooding & went over & put an end to that!
  6. You're bein' serious?!? Why'd they take your eyeball out, if they couldn't find anything wrong? What was their justification for it? I'd be pissed Ben!!! I believe I've read/heard before, that once your eye comes out the first time, you're susceptible to it popping out from then on
  7. Actually not a lot of interesting pix this trip. Between the altered route, & 450+ miles of riding, mostly just got group shots of the guys/bikes, with a few of Ben showing us his newfound sign language skills Checked online & with Trapp (Dweezel) Friday night/Sat morning after Kyle pointed out weather in Pittsburgh was calling for 75% chance of t-storms. Not only did I NOT feel like riding in the rain half the day, but it would ruin any pix we were tryin' to get, sooooo we decided to alter the route to stay in Ohio, and hit some roads Dweez likes to ride. Met up with Randy (Mr. Bogus)who came over from Ft. Wayne, & Kyle (Blitzburgh) at a church down in Williamstown. Sam's gonna try & meet up with us later, once he gets off work & we decide where we're goin'. Some pix Randy got of us here........ Kyle Yours truly tryin to get ahold of Dweez..... Self portrait of Randy..... Took off from there about 10:30 headed for Mansfield to pick up Duane (Magley64) & Ben (BenYen). Made good time to Mansfield....took about an hour. May have been doin' +5 over . Waited around for 'bout half hour on Ben, as he was running behind. Not sure what was goin' on this day, but LOTS of HD's meetin' up at the BP as well. Picture Randy got of Duane........ Took this one just for you Whitey (Check the billboard in the background)........ 2 'Busas, 2 'Birds, & an R1 at this point Group decided to make a go of it to Kensington/Hanoverton to meet up with Dweez.....or as Kyle put it "I think we got 4 "I don't cares" & 1 "Make a decision!" Rest of Dweez's crew didn't show, as he says they're "fair weather riders" & the last storm cell had just cleared couple hours before we got there. Ran into a couple quick storm clouds on the way over, but ran through both quickly. Met up with Trapp @ "Papa Joes" cozy little petrol station Trapp's on the far left...White/blue Gixxer coat, Kyle behind him, Duane in "Rocket Nation" with Ben in front & Randy to his right....... Some shots Randy got as we were gettin' ready to pull out. Dweez is takin' us down 9/39/36 to a restaurant he knows in Coshocton...the Warehouse. GREAT roads on way down there. This is when/where Ben got some crap in his eye, right after the roads started gettin' good, and his trip went downhill from there. Also in here, is where I decided to test the 'Birds off-roading capabilities Kyle looked a bit bored behind me, so I thought I give him a good show....."Hey Kyle...Check this out!!" Good 'ol Papa Joe's You can see how bad the skies were on the east side of the state........ Me textin' Sam lettin' him know where we're headin'........ 'Nother self portrait of Randy, with Kyle in back patiently waiting!! Ben & Kyle........ Had to stop off a couple times so Ben could mess with his eye & try & flush it, etc. Here's Randy baptizing him.......or waiting on a hummer.....You decide!!! Little farther down the road at the Rite Aid...Randy lubed his eye up After 50-75 miles of fantastic roads, we pulled into this quaint little village where the restaurant was located. Neat location. Dan Zane & his galpal parked next to us (any with young kids/tweens who watch Disney will know who I'm talkin' about). They went to work on McGyver'ing up an eyepatch for Pirate Ben. Zane look-a-like down at end....Or maaaybeee it reealllly was him Aaaarrrgghhhhhhh...Ahoy Maties!! Randy finally cummin' outta the closet Felt like we rode all the way to Timbuktu For some reason the restaurant seated us in the basement/dungeon.....and kept referring to Dweez as "Master"?!? That's Trapp behind me. Notice Ben in his now familiar pose , with Randy behind him. Food was good w/ big portions. Music on the other hand........ Heeeyyy...Still had my wallet at this point! Group split up after dinner. Shiddy & John came to pick up Pirate Ben's bike & cage him home, so got to meat both of them as an added bonus! Shiddy road with us back to C-bus, where we were pickin' Sam up at. My wallet fell outta my pocket on the way, bounced off Kyles bike, & Shiddy got to it & grabbed it right before a cage ran it over. Thanx again dude After some confusion on Randy's & my part, finally met up with Sam......and Kyle, who knew exactly where he was goin'. The UDF/Mobil station in Tuttle Crossing is QUITE the happenin' place on a Saturday night Sam's bike far right. He just got her back together the other day after her 3rd complete makeover in a year. Looks like he's got one hell of a leak there ....... Can barely make out Sam clear down at the end....... Sam must be takin' the same sign language classes as Pirate Ben..... All told, my trip read 460 miles when I pulled in the garage that night, with 7 bikes/riders from 3 different boards/forums, + John & Shiddy. Went from Findlay to east of Canton, down to Coshocton, over to Columbus, & back home. Great day/ride, even though it wasn't the originally scheduled trip. Dweez was already askin' when we were cummin' back, so hopefully we can do the Pitt part of it in the next few weeks!! BTW.....Hat's off to Randy & Duane, who I'm assuming won the mileage/farthest away contest. Also thanx to Dweezel for leadin' the ride once we got over to Hanoverton, and showin' us some GREAT roads on the spur of the moment!! Props to Ben for hangin' in there as long as he could with a bum eye. All kidding aside, as a contact wearer, I know how BAD it sux to get somethin scrapin' around in your eye! I'm amazed he kept up as well as he did on those roads with only one good eye.....although Randy said it wasn't so pretty ridin' behind him!!
  8. MAN.....That things like a time warp to the 70's!!! Trick headlights!
  9. AWESOME shots!! You about got that bike parallel to the ground
  10. You underestimate the skill it took to keep that bitch upright & lean her back onto the shoulder, with the front end wanting to bog down/wash out in the sand & the ass end hoppin' around like a freakin' jackrabbit!!! Nevermind how I got myself into that situation to begin with Should'a marked off!!
  11. "Thank you sir.....May I have another?!?" "I now baptize thee Helen Keller/Ray Charles/One Eye Willie!!!" "I can't swallow anything bigger than my finger without gagging!" "I thought you promised to get me wet first before putting it in?!?" "I'm normally not on my knees getting wet 'til the 3rd ride!"
  12. "You can get anything you want"
  13. Fonzie


    I'm not gonna lie to 'ya Duane......That's too purty a bike to fugly it up with those speakers Check out these earbuds I was tellin' you guys about yesterday. Koss Sparkplugs with etymotic tips. They stay in my ears really well, and sound quality is more than decent for the price.......... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290238526637&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RCRX_Pr4_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT&refitem=300077906092&itemcount=4&refwidgetloc=active_view_item&usedrule1=CrossSell_LogicX&refwidgettype=cross_promot_widget&_trksid=p284.m184&_trkparms=algo%3DCRX%26its%3DS%252BI%252BSS%26itu%3DISS%252BUCI%252BSI%26otn%3D4
  14. dont get all excited, the pictures arent that exciting. he was too busy photographing my vision problems... So there's pix of him giving you the amazing white stuff? Nooooo....But Randy seems to be doin' somethin' with Ben on his knees here. Hey Ben......I thought sign language was for deaf people....NOT the blind?!?
  15. Cell phone pic. I tried re-sizing it a couple times/ways.....and all it keeps doin' is pixilating, so I just put it back to original/small now
  16. Why is BenYen on his knees for Randy???
  17. U had me at ER.........for a sec You kept wandering around aimlessly anyways last night, so bumping into things isn't much different. I hope you're just funnin' here, or at the very least....They put your eye back in when they were done! And Duane......Boy George ROCKS!!! I was just wishin' it was Karaoke....and that they could've gotten the Vagina Channel on TV like we'd asked Like I said.....We're gonna try & reschedule the Pitt part in the next few weeks. Dweez was already askin' when we were comin' back to do it again!!
  18. I was callin' him Helen Keller!
  19. Back home safe & sound 'bout an hour ago. GREAT day ridin' & hangin' with new friends. Trip's showin' 460 miles...From Findlay to Canton to Coshocton to Columbus & then home! I'll post pix, etc in next day or 2....Probably not tomorrow. Got a b-day & Father's Day to celebrate! FYI....the Mobil station at Tuttle Crossing is quite the happening place on a Saturday night!! Just got pulled over by a Statey right down the street from my house Duane, Ben, Shiddy, John.......Good to meet you guys. Thanx for comin' out & rescuing Helen Keller today! Trapp....Great route down to Coshocton....even if I did go offroadin'!! Thank you Jesus!! Shiddy.....Thanx again for savin' my wallet!!! Good ridin' with you Ben.....Hope your eye's feelin' better! Sorry you didn't get to enjoy the best part of the ride. Let me know if you need to use my applicator tube again!! Here.....I got'cha a little sumpin' sumpin' for next time. I'll send them to your new tarpartment.......................
  20. OK......Partial change in plans here. With the weather lookin' good in OH,but shiddy for Pitt tomorrow, Dweez has offered to take us south from his meet point on 30/9, to some roads he knows heading over to the Coshocton/Columbus area. We're gonna postpone the Pitt part for a few weeks. Earliest I can do it is the 28th
  21. Age 58!! Goodbye Randy Quaid's smarter twin Anyone have him in your Dead Pool?
  22. First part of the storm just started rollin' through here 'bout an hour ago.....Hopefully 24 hours is enough time for it to clear. Gonna watch the noon news in a few What town's was that one Duane? Mine was Toledo's. It's gonna be close!! If I call this due to weather......It's probably gonna be last minute due to the storm movement. Looks like it's still heading NE, which bodes well for us. Did you get the last email OK?
  23. Cross your fingers & say your prayers boys
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