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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. Toledo news is showing the same thing......High of 80, but rain
  2. My buddy Jeff was killed last year, by a pizza delivery guy who was in such a hurry to deliver his food, he too made a lefty right in front of him, even though Jeff's bike was a BRIGHT green ZX12!! On the other hand, I was pulling out of a parking lot 2 summers ago. Had looked both ways, everything was clear, so I started to move out. Fortunately I had my windows down & could hear his pipes winding out & took a third look.......There he was, coming on the inside lane. Totally missed him the first 2 scans somehow....Don't know how Wasn't gonna pull out to that lane anyways, but it surprised me how I'd missed him at first. Loud pipes REALLY DO save lives!!! I called Blue Bandit's buddy Isaac's killer a murderer.......Perhaps that's where the confusion is lying....But that guy fled the scene, lawyered up, and then fled altogether, so it's a hugely different reaction to the crime
  3. Perhaps I'm missing the obvious here, since no one else's asked about it.........But what's the rusty pole sticking out of the ground Oh yeahhhh...Annddddd.................. Tires cupped!!
  4. Wifey says the Kenton drive-in down is showing Iron Man & Indy tonight
  5. And he still backed down!!! That's freaking hilarious. I say we find him tonight and just follow him around until he'll race. That is hilarious dude!! You know he probably thought you were crazy, and/or gonna hit him, when you walked out there. Way to call his bluff....and in front of his 'Busa ridin' buddies makes it that much more classic!! They'll probably be lookin' you up to become your diciples now
  6. Depends on why they're feeling horrible.......Because of the people they've hurt.........Or because they're scared for themselves & how they're gonna get out of it!!! Look at the story about Isaac the other day, and the steps his murderer has taken to avoid his punishment Sorry to hear this! Was he a member on here? What was his screen name? Sympathies to his family & friends
  7. Silly Todd......The tinfoil helmets are only for when the aliens come....Not black opp's
  8. Shhhhiiitttttt.......I used to openly wear a shirt at the railroad that said "Fire me.....PLEASE!!!" Wore another one with silhouettes of a rat pullin' along a donkey that said "I don't give a .... ..."
  9. I haven't seen it Kiddo, so don't give up on it yet. I'm just sayin' what the news was showin' last night. Got a friend on another board, who saw it last night, and he said it was alright I just don't think they've done much marketing for such a big name/lineage movie. I just finally started seeing commercials within the last 2 weeks, and a lot of you twentysomethings with the disposable income were single digits when the last one came out, so I don't think they've done a very good job of building brand familiarity with you guys. Marco Andretti's car is Indy themed, but that won't pay dividends to a national market until Sunday, when opening weekend's almost over
  10. Sssshhhhhhhhh........I think I hear something!!!
  11. Yeah.......I have 2 rules of thumb for getting raped at the theater......... 1) If I just CAN'T wait to see the movie on DVD 2) If the F/X look sooooo good, it's actually worth seeing on the big screen with surround sound
  12. I actually liked Rocky Balboa.....kinda sad & poignant about how time moves on, & things change. 'Course, I think I'm older than almost all of you on here......Seems to be a large OSU/twenty-something contingency!! Now that last Rambo he did, held absolutely no interest for me.....Especially since they found out he's on the juice
  13. Daayuummmm.....Nick even posted in that 2nd thread!!!
  14. NOOOOO?!? Saw the red & black & assumed it was a CBR
  15. Was watchin' the local news last night, and several of the nice, new theaters were VERY sparse for the midnight showing of the new Indiana Jones movie. I know they brought in Shia LeBeouf to try & pull the younger gen, but I wonder if they waited to long to revive the series...Almost 20 years??? It'll be curious to see how it does the rest of the weekend
  16. That's the same thing I'm readin' too, but I still find it frightening that something like this even got this far!!!
  17. Had to trim it........Site said it was too long a post. Here's the rest...........
  18. Boosted this off another site. Thought it was an interesting addition to some of the political commentary on here...........
  19. Same thing I was gonna say. Sorry about your buddy....I know how much it sucks What a douchebag that driver is......first he flees & hides the vehicle, then lawyers up 'cause he knows he's a douchebag, then flees again. I agree with the idea of putting these assholes in a roomful of family/friends....Prison's too good for 'em!! That's if he even makes it there
  20. Yeah....I'd like some closeups of it in MY garage!!! Congrats Fuse.......VERY badazz lookin' Blade!! Oh yeah.......And way to stay
  21. You could pick up 105 in BG, just to the east of 75, and run that up to Woodville, then take 20 up, or go all the way to Port Clinton & then take 2 over to Toledo. Take you a little longer, but 105's one of the better roads around here............. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthrea...5325#post75325 River Rd/65 along the river is fun, but if you get stuck behind traffic, can be slow goin'. Also......Guy died there last year, so they were crackin' down on it for awhile
  22. You could pick up 105 in BG, just to the east of 75, and run that up to Woodville, then take 20 up, or go all the way to Port Clinton & then take 2 over to Toledo. Take you a little longer, but 105's one of the better roads around here............. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?p=75325#post75325
  23. Writeup I did awhile back from another board............
  24. You guys are comin' right through me.....I'll warn the townspeople!!
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