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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. Hey....Glad you finally made it over here!!! Did you post up in the "Introduction" area yet?
  2. Yeah I could prolly do something for ya. +1 on that.....I was gonna ask you the same thing. Not sure if you caught my props to 'ya this morning in that Hitlery thread
  3. Welcome.....Nice matched set you got there!! Love that Repsol too!!
  4. Ding Ding Ding....We have a WINNER!!! You know I was just blowin' ya shit anyways, don'cha Ben I was just down there at the Pony on Sunday Max. I don't know....Tomorrow night sounds interesting
  5. Pack your bags.......We're goin' on a Guilt Trip! You just gotta learn how to work the "counter" guilt trip. It'll come with age, experience.....& kids!!
  6. So tell him you already made plans, and they should'a clued you in sooner if they really wanted you there!
  7. That's why it's the day BEFORE Father's Day Duane Tell them you'll be spending Sunday with them, but you wanna do what you wanna do on Saturday
  8. Understood Cleave......You're still gonna get in on the group shot, aren'cha?
  9. Naaah.....She's black & orange. We don't hate the Bungles nearly as much as the Brownies!! Really.....We don't even hate the Brownies anymore....The new Brownies definately ain't the same as the old ones! They gotta start beatin' us for it to be considered a rivalry again Besides......One of the guys on the XX board who doesn't post much anymore, already went black with yellow
  10. Dukes of Hazzard was ealry 80's. Political correctness had not taken root 25 years ago. If they tried that from scratch now, not including the remakes, 'cause the General Lee had already been established, I think they'd encounter one SOB Al Sharpton among others....Especially if there was money for him to make by "being offended"
  11. Here's one of the "Photo Op's" we're planning on........As I mentioned before, I'm a Steelers fan, as is at least one other guy goin'. Would really like to get pix of my bike at least, as well as group shots of all attending preferably, in front of the stadium. There's a huge banner of Mean Joe Green hanging from the stadium wall that I thought would make a sweet backdrop if it's still there in the offseason....even if you're not Steelers fans Hopefully we can find a sweet view somewhere with the Ohio River as background also. Cleave.......You may not like the stadium idea
  12. Are you allowed to switch/trade with anyone?
  13. That's good to know....sincerely....but who forced it into law?
  14. While I agree with some of what you're saying there, I'm not really sure it justifies McCain being tortured & held in captivity as a POW for over 3 years....and he was 1 of the lucky ones. My point was answering the question over who had enough experience.......He's served our country more than 99% of us, & definately moreso than either of his opponents See......While I agree with you about "minding our own business", here's one of the BIG problems I have with the Democrats, & ESPECIALLY Hillary & BHO...........Now that they need us & our votes, they're telling us what we want to hear about NAFTA......Hillary even going so far as to lie & say she was against it all along, even though it was her husband who shoved it down our throats!!! Not like she's ever lied before though, right........Like about her Bosnia visit & landing in sniper fire, even though the media cleared up her little memory snafu with their video archive of how peaceful it was, or her & the hubby writing books about their political careers, even though they both claimed, under oath, that they "couldn't remember" some stuff from the Whitewater era/incidents, or how 'bout her being caught stealing some stuff from the WhiteHouse when her & 'ol Slick Willy were movin' out?!? BHO just plays dumb about NAFTA, saying it was before his time, then softspeaks about it, claiming it should be "re-visited"......but then the media catches his camp talking to Canada & telling them "Don't worry about NAFTA.....BHO's just on the campaign trail sayin' what he needs to"!! I've got family that was hit hard by NAFTA.......20 plus years in a local factory, making good wages for someone with a high school education, that was closed 6 years ago & moved to Mexico. She has yet to recover from that. I know I'm not the only on here who has someone affected by NAFTA either, as Ohio was particularly hard hit by that piece of Democratic brilliance. The irony here is that the Democratic Party is traditionally "blue collar". I find Hitlery's lies, & Hussein Obama's double speak on this matter completely unacceptable & infuriating. And yes.......I would vote for Colin Powell or Condoleza Rice in a heartbeat if they ran, so don't anyone tell me I'm a racist or sexist. And yes......I did vote Democratic 8 years ago, though I'm not too impressed with 'ol Al "I invented the interweb" Gore lately either I vote for the person......not the party. Like someone on another board has in his sigline........"I love my country, but HATE my government!"
  15. Day 3 Charlie was playin' chef for us again.......sent us off with a hot meal of eggs & sausage on the grill!! :icon_thumbsup: Joel decided to jet on his own, as his wife's still in need of TLC after her accident. Not sure if this is from when we first got to Charlies, or when we were getting ready to leave, but either way.....it HAD to be included!! Mike, Geoff & John were going to head straight for Grand Rapids, as there was a sliver of a storm cell heading up all along the Lake Michigan coast.......killing our plans to hit all the good twisties up there. Rich decided to head back up over the top, rather than riding through all that rain down below......but I guess he got drenched anyway going back over the top. At least it was a shorter ride. Brian, Sam & I decided to go back across the top of the mitten, and if we couldn't ride the Lake Michigan side, at least the Lake Huron side looked clear. Nancy took some group shots of everyone before we split up our separate ways....... Brian showing us his Cornholio Flying Monkey kick.....or something :icon_duh: And noooo.......he hadn't been drinking any scotch this morning :icon_lol: Sam, Bry & me finally ran out of the rain just after we went over I-75. Got pretty nice for a few hours. Some nice sweepers up on N-23. We blew by some Harley guy without even breaking stride. Pix from Alpena......... Alpena "Yacht Club" Lake Huron Stopped in Oscoda for fuel & food, & we all agreed it was lookin'/feelin' like rain again, so we geared up (MAJOR thanx to Charlie for lending me his suit, as it made a huge difference.....rained the ENTIRE rest of the trip that day!! :icon_eek: ) Brian peeled off around Ann Arbor, and Sam & I started pushing for home. He had looked at the weather radar on his phone at the last stop, and now the entire state of Michigan was one BIG storm cell!! :icon_doh: We got down to Dundee, and I could almost smell home, but it started lightening really bad, dead ahead of us. Pulled off that exit, an d looked back for Sam. Somehow he was WAY behind me. Ducked under a gas station awning, and he pulls his helmet off, & tells me...."Dude.....I'm done. Callin' wifey and havin' her bring the trailer to come get me". I'm thinkin' he's pussin' out 'cause of the lightning & rain, and just about to start blowin' him some shit about "mannin' up", when he tells me he barely got stopped for that last exit....his front brakes are shot! OK.....that's a little different story I guess....don't want him gettin' hurt!! So we hang out for a couple hours while his wife gets to us. I was debatin' on finishing my ride or not depending on the weather.....plus it's like 10:30 at this point, by the time she gets there & we get the 'Busa strapped down. Sam seems to be tellin' me somethin' here....."What's that 'ol boy???" Rain seems to have pretty much stopped, so I decide to forego the trailer, & completed the ride. Man that Ohio state line looked good!! Was home about an hour later. Sam followed me the whole way. Total trip was about 1,250 miles. Still gotta figure up my gas receipts. Will add that later. GREAT trip despite the weather, and thanx again to everyone involved!!! :icon_thumbsup: Finally.......el finito :icon_wink:
  16. I think we can all agree McCain's got the "experience card" hands down. Hell......He was a POW longer than some of these people have "served" their country BTW.......Love that new sig avatar you got Jeremi. You make it up?
  17. We had a couple touch down Friday night, just to the west & south of us. Roger that!! It's a scary feeling when you hear the sirens start goin' off at 12:30 in the morning......Talk about surreal!!
  18. You even live down there....Now that's just pathetic!!
  19. Forgot to mention above, but guesstimate at this point is about 12-15 bikes for the ride so far. Benyen & Cleve the Great have both jumped in from here. Dweezel is too, & hopefully GoJira can still make it!! Got some other friends from other boards that are gonna be joining in as well. Lookin' forward to it......Should be a fun day of riding & camaraderie!!
  20. Here's a topic for starters Justin....The Patriot Act & Homeland Security How do you think the founding fathers would've felt about us giving up some of our "unalienable rights" in the name of safety?!? Isn't it Franklin that's got that quote about "Any person who gives up their freedom for a little safety shall have neither"?
  21. Nope......I wouldn't vote for anyone with those names either!
  22. Don't get me started on 'ol Nancester At least Hitlery is smart/cunning......Pelosi's an idiot....and a SCARY one She wants to give so much of OUR stuff away.....You'd think it was a K-Mart blue light special!! "Attention K-Mart shoppers!!!"
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