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Everything posted by Fonzie

  1. Love how you put a modern take on the old bikes. I like your taste so much, I'd actually be comfortable just supplying you an old bike, & letting you do your thing, sight unseen with no input from me!
  2. He must not have got pinched much as a boy, after his birthday spankings
  3. Here it is... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=70365
  4. There's a thread on here that Casper? posted IIRC... Dealer Christmas special of featherweight .38 for like $299 after $50 rebate. I'll see if I can find it again real quick That'd be a perfect gun for your lady... Small, compact, light, & reliable
  5. It's all good... He was wearing the new "Taupe/Cocoa Stuntah style 1 pc leathers... Sensibly maintain that street cred w/ these leathers that actually look like real street clothes. CE approved. Please specify skin color Choice of Monster shirt w/ Banana Republic cargo shorts, or wife beater with skater shorts " I think NewEnough carries them
  6. I'm a huge, huge fan of population control however I know it would be expensive, difficult and it would surely piss off a lot of people from a morals perspective Watch those "Conspiracy Theories" w/ Jesse Ventura I keep tellin' you about. Several of them deal w/ global population control... Through our water, food, & children's vaccines or for plagues like swine flu, which will actually make us more susceptible... The "Bilderberger" & "Great Lakes" ones immediately come to mind. The New World Order wants to substantially decrease the population, as they can't deal with the current #, & we're consuming too many nonrenewable resources. They want just enough of us left to be "workers". The number thrown around many times is 50 million left... Globally, IIRC There's even some anonymous "Stonehenge" monument here in the states, that references an NWO & population control
  7. Sharp! Kinda reminds me of a dirt tracker
  8. Heyyy... Look who finally grew a pair!
  9. That vid is marked correctly, but when I played it... It was actually about some missing student at Yale
  10. Yeah... I had to laugh during the assembly when he told the one teacher that was complaining to him she wasn't getting paid commensurate with her education & experience level, that she could always stop doing it if she didn't like it I know ideally teachers should make more than they do, but it is what it is, & it's been that way for a lonnng time... So they shouldn't be surprised by it at this juncture Combine all this with the upcoming shortfall in social security that will no longer be able to mask how bad the deficit #'s truly are... And we're truly screwed. That comment above about 35% money from China is no jest. All they have to do is raise the interest rate on our debt to them, & our credit rating will also be junk bond status... And they'll own a brand new colony without ever firing a shot And for those of you who were laughing at me about the whole Nestle/Great Lakes conspiracy, & stealing/shipping our best water over to China to replenish their aquaphors... This could play riiiight into that. They just keep giving us enough rope until we finally hang ourselves
  11. You can laugh at my tinfoil hat again... But they were talking about some scary crap tonight regarding the next crash that's coming... Predictably within the next 12 months. Analyst is predicting ~50 municipal bond defaults worth millions & billions of dollars California is quickly approaching junk bond credit rating status Arizona has had to sell off their capitol building, supreme court, & legislative chambers to investors... And then lease them back Illinois state troopers getting turned away from some gas stations, because their state gas card is not accepted anymore. The state itself spending twice what it's taking in. Illinois state universities having to raise tuition by ~32% to make up for the missing state subsidies ** Just found the segment on youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjGqm0dkIOI
  12. That's what I was gonna say too D. I think the CCT sounds like a bag of nuts bangin'/clankin'/grinding around John on the org is another good one to get the tensioner from. Not sure who Mike is that you're referring to
  13. I was wonderin' the same thing Nick
  14. Man you gheys are slippin! I gotta do everything around here CRF.... It's been clinically proven that revenge by posting nakid pix of your ex on motorcycle websites makes you feel 100% better 100% of the time. You can trust me... I'm a doctor
  15. You say that as if it were a bad thing??
  16. keep voting bitches last year we had around 40 throughout the night im sure we will have more this year. Do I need to vote, or you got me included
  17. I thought that place changed hands?? Better update your stalker file, or I'm gonna have to remove you from the FBI Top 10 list
  18. I thought that was just a pencil in your pocket A very stubby pencil
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