BINGO! When LeBron did his "Decision" this past summer... I couldn't help but be reminded of TP doing the same thing 3 years ago. You remember... His big press conference on signing day to announce that he hadn't made a decision yet I always gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, that the networks had purportedly pressured him into at least saying something, since they already had all their satellite trucks enroute to Jeanerette... But as we've gotten to know this kid better over the last couple years, I'm not so sure anymore. I seem to also recall that shortly after that press conference, he was involved in a big fight with his team during a basketball game. That was when my opinion of him started to deteriorate I think the most telling thing is that even his own OSU fans don't seem to care for him much On a sidenote... Though I can't believe these kids don't treasure something so unique & priceless... I don't know that I have an issue with them selling their rings, gold pants, trophies, etc. The "ink for ink" is a different story, but I can make an argument either way as for them selling "personal items".