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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. good read! ben an haga are both class acts!
  2. nope were already the coolest kids on the block no need to brag about it
  3. like 4 if i could get everyone to join!!!
  4. thanks i think its the best looking light out there. i hate those wild lights from abseris (sp) and i hate the old school look of the square light. so i just baught a ktm light haha
  5. trust me i plan on it very very soon!!!! im wanting james to get his head pipe fixed so he can go with me!
  6. ur about to get a punt if u keep this up...
  7. but aluminum angle iron jsut sounds retarded and aluminum angle doesnt sound right nor does angle aluminum, so ur left with angle iron haha
  8. haha holy shit i just lol'd...not Triumph FTW!!!!! haha
  9. thats good news!!!! i keep wanting to get my susp. set up on it for my fat ass but just havent made it down to the shop yet. i know it was night and day on the 675 after i had it set up!!! haha he and i were just talking about that. he sadi sorry for using a similar pic, but i told him not to worry abot it cuz its a good pic haha. so basiclly haha
  10. cut it nice, round the edges and paint it. looks like a million dollar MotoGP part!
  11. haha plus reese saying "im so hungary i could eat a dick" haha
  12. i know i thuoght about posting a simple soluation up but deceide to not do that at all...
  13. that pretty much fits ya flounder proof or i call bullshit!
  14. elliot needs that triple and stab!!!
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